a strong independent wuman

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omg omg! i was running like hell b/c cam was chasing me. this was bad bad bad the ywere so much stronger than me. luckily for me they had their aegis mask so they couldnt see shit. i got away only to run into cosmic. aww fuck.

"alright tempest, you're going to get shrekt" he said cool-ly

"wait wait wait!" i said

"seriously running away again?" he said

"what NO im not running away. i um, yeah i do battle. i challenge you to a RAP BATTLE hahahh! lets go" i said but he said nothing

"ur gonna get shrekt kid" he said. fuck.

he pointed his saw blade at me and i thought im domed

meanwhile there was battle. cam and dreadnawed met up. they were both op and who could stop them? anyway they saw the cish terminator and they were like holy shit. 

"alright cam stay back, im going to take care of him." said dread

cam stepped back a bit but didnt wanna leave. they werent about to let this teacher dude have all the action.

dread started shooting his f57 at cish. cish used his robot gun to shoot down the bullets in midair. what a badass. so dread was like "welp, i have no choice. sorry cam"

he fired an emp into the room. aka an electro magenetic something. all the electricity went out including the terminator. but also cam was shut down because well, their a cam. most of the lights went off so it was kinda dank. some light came in from outside b/c theres no roof but also theres no windows so its still dark. i knew they should of upgraded to windows 10.

this gave me the opportunity to win. "ok im going to the restroom i said"

"dude theres no restroom in the killing house" he said

duh. but by saying that he got distracted and lost me. lol noob. ik there was no restroom but i had to find somethign that was useful. i had to beat cosmic. finally i found the armor room. there were a bunch of aegises there. and heavy weapons. and explosives. it was op. should i use that? nah. no matter how much loud stuff i got, dreadnought would always 1 up me. so i desided a disguise was the best way.

i went up to sparrows body. she was not dead but she was inconscious. i took off her clothes and put them on. man she was hot. OH MAN those tits tho. i thought this was it. the hottest thing id seen, better than that porn ad from earlier and maybe even hotter than that 1 girl from the bank. i jacked off to her and it was the best sarcasm of my life. damn i thoguht this was it, the high point of my life. so i thought.

until finally i looked at a mirror. ho. LY. shit. i looked fucking HOT like oh my god. aside from having no tits (coz im a dude) i was probably hotter than sparrow. i mean i looked just like her. i was kind of half asleep at this point because i was so turned on. i mean i was being dumb, like dumber than usual.

i saw sparrow and she looked hot. i took of her shirt and started licking her tits. YUM. only to realize this was mirror sparrow. all i did was take off my own shirt and lick the mirror. ah gross. anyway thats enough i have to go and fight. i put sparrows shirt back on, put two grenades in the place my tits would go and marched to battle (yeah!)

eventually i found cosmic. he pointed his saw at me but didnt fire. "heyo, why aren't you at me firing?" he said

it was my turn to speak but if i spoke normla he would know my voice. i tried making my voice high pitched as possible to try to fake it. "uh hi" i said. man that sounded so bad. i thought i was done for but somehow he fell for it

"your in the enemy team right?" he said

"oh i dont care about teams. arent i sexy?" i said

"well yeah i guess"

i started unzipping my shirt and he was just watchign me. perfect, he was distracted. but then i took out the grenades from my chest. he was like "oh crap" but it was too late. i threw the grenades at him and he was done for. thats right boys i was a STRONG INDEPENT WOMAN (name drop). now it was just me a dreadnought. wait wasnt he the person i DIDNT want to fight? fuck. oh well i had cummed this far, might as well keep going.  

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