the daring escape

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ok so i have no idea whats was happening. but sparrow was phoenix i think and school is halcyon. so i just betray school. guess i have to escape with sparrow now. shes hot so it'll be fine right. 

we ran for quite a while through hall ways. eventually we made it to main entrance when suddenly a assault team entered entrance. we escaped to the side just in time to not be seen. guess halcyon called their special ops to take us down but we were better than that. sneak 100 xD. we hid in the nurses office for the time being. holy shit this was intense. i could feel sparrows breathing on my neck. yum.

it seems the soldiers had no idea we were there because their foot steps got farer away. so yeah. i then turned to sparrow. i looked at her and she looked at me. i hugged her and pressed my lips to hers. she was like confused but understood my feelings and let me do it. suddenly i heard someone sya "uhh guys, help?"

i turned away from her to see we werent alone. there was this kid in the floor. it was troy. oh yeah he was sent to nurses office earlier for literally rofling. whoops. i pointed a gun at him and got pissed but sparrow told me to be patient and shut the fuck up. sparrow told troy to join us and he did. as we followed her to the exit i saw the way he looked at her. he loved her too. jackass. for now we were allies but i was going to teach troy a lesson. shes mine.

so now we were on the run. my hot gf or whatever sparrow, then me and troy. we left the school like bosses, and all of us except troy had guns so we were well armed, but i think he had a switchblade so yeah. we left the school and got away until we found a helicopter. we were saved and about to escape. what an epic.

only then sparrow said. "hey guys, there's only room for two and im the pilot" we understood only one of us could go.

"lets do it in rock paper scissors bitch" said troy. what a bitch HE was. but yeah i wasn't gonna lose. we agreed to best out of three.

i chose rock and so did he. 0-0

rock and rock agian, 0-0

paper to rock, 1-0, i was up. yes i was about to win

scissors to rock. 1-1. still i could win

but then suddenly, paper to scissors. 1-2 he won

"NO!" i said. there was no way i was gonna be left behind. this bitch troy wasn't going to let me get arrested and also let someone hot get away. suddenly i pointed my gun at him and said "im going!"

but he wasnt scared. after fighting brent or whatever he knew how to fight. so he pulled out his switchblade and charged at me. i didn't know wtf to do. i had my gun pointed but sychologicaly i was too afraid to actually fire. so i didn't and i prepared to die, i think. i'd lived a good live right? well not really it had been a pretty shitty life tbh. but oh well.

then suddenly sparrow pulled him away, slapped his hand and he dropped the switchblade. she used her gun to bash him and knock him out.

"i love you, you know that?" i said

sparrow said nothing. we went on the helicopter and left. as we were leaving we saw the halcyoneers approaching. troy would eventually get up and seek revenge. whoops? how bad could it go? not that bad, probably, i think, i hope...

then i realized there were 4 seats not 2. "oy sparrow theres not 2 seats. troy could of gone with us not that i want to lol"

sparrow said "ehh, tbh i just wanted that kid gone. hes not worthy of my u-know-what if you know what i mean." idk what she meaned but it must of been hawt.

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