"Take my seat."

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A/N: thanks to Kyanna_xo for requesting this, hope you like it! Sorry it's so late!

It was just an hour before the show of the night, and you were on your way to catering after dropping off your things in the locker room. The worst part about catering before the show? It was super crowded.

You walked through the doors and spot your friends sitting at a table across the room. You squeeze your way through the wrestlers and backstage crew to get to them.

"Is it just me or does catering seem busier than usual?" You laugh, lightly hitting your friend Ricochet's shoulder. He turned to look at you and smiled.

"Yeah it's pretty hectic today. Here, take my seat." He said, standing for you to take his chair.

You thanked him before sitting.

"You think half of the guys in here would give up their seat for you?" Ember Moon asked, leaning over and nudging you.

She had been trying to convince you of the fact that Ricochet was head over heels for you for weeks but you never believed her.

"I don't think half of them would give up their seats for a Klondike bar." You laughed.

"I for sure would." She laughed before noticing something behind me. "I think Ricochet wants to talk to you. Talk to you later." She winked before turning back to our other friends and continuing their conversation.

"Hey, I've been wondering if you maybe want to hang out sometime. Maybe tomorrow night?" He smiled confidently.

This was it. Ember was right. You'd be getting the "I told you so" talk later. At least you knew that this could be coming.

You nodded.


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