"No it's fine, I can wait until you're done talking to them."

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Your best friend, Chris, was returning from a two month trip to Japan. You missed him so much and couldn't wait to see him.

The day he flew back from Japan, he didn't even stop at a hotel to drop off his things before going to see you. He rolled his suitcase behind him as he searched for you around the arena you were working a show in that night.

"Have you guys seen Y/N?"

Everyone he asked gave him confused looks, either because they didn't know where you were or just that they didn't expect to see him.

No one could give him a straight answer and that irked him a great amount.

After a few minutes he found himself just calling out for you. But found that that wasn't working either so, he decided to follow signs to catering. He looked around for you and lit up when he noticed you talking to a group of people.

He tried his best to suppress a smile but completely failed as he pushed his bags out of the way and made his way over to the group.

"Hey, I'll see you guys later. I've gotta go." You said, noticing Chris as he walked over to you.

Chris's face fell as he saw you say goodbye to everyone.

"No it's fine, I can wait until you're done talking to them." He said, hating that he interrupted.

"You've been gone for two months, I see them every day." You said wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he glanced at the others continuing on the conversation without a care.

"Completely." You said, letting him go. "Conversation was boring anyway." You whispered to him with a laugh. He smiled at you. "I didn't expect you to show up here." You added.

"I wanted to surprise you. You should've seen me earlier, I was asking around for you and yelling your name through the arena."

"You could've just texted me." You laughed.

"Eh." He shrugged as he began to walk back to his bags.

"You brought your bags?" You chuckled.


"Why didn't you leave them in the car?" You laughed.

"I got you a few gifts." He said, unzipping his backpack.

"This couldn't wait til later?"

"Absolutely not." He said as he began to pull things out of his bags

"So how was your trip to Japan?" You asked as you watched him. His eyes lit up at the question and he began to explain everything that he experienced and show off the gifts he got you while he was away.

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