"You look really cute in my sweatshirt."

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A/N: thanks to Kyanna_xo for requesting this, hope you like it! Sorry it's literally a year late! 😣

"Dakota wake up!" You said, gently shaking her awake.

"Hmm?" She mumbled, fluttering her eyes open.

You lost your train of thought the second she made eye contact with you. You instantly got lost in her eyes. You had the biggest crush on Dakota since the minute you met her but never actually got around to telling her, though you were sure it was obvious.

"What is it?" She asked tiredly, returning you to reality.

"We overslept."

"What?! No!" She said, quickly becoming wide awake and jumping out of her bed.

"Yes!" You said, going to your bag to get a change of clothes for the day.

You both quickly changed your clothes and put on your shoes. She grabbed the sweatshirt from off the chair in the room and slipped it on before you both made sure you had your phones and wallets.

"They're so going to kill us for being late." She said, shoving her phone in her pocket.

"Tegan can't, she's usually late whenever we plan to meet up, maybe they aren't even there yet."

Let's hope not." She said, letting out a laugh.

The two of you walked to the elevator and got in it. Dakota pressed the lobby button and as she did you noticed something.

"You look really cute in my sweatshirt." You smiled as the elevator started to move.

Her head whipped down to actually look at what she had put on.

"Shit, I thought this was mine." She said as the doors opened revealing the lobby. "Let me run back to the room -." She said, going to push the button for your floor again.

"Keep it," you said stopping her. "besides we're running late and like I said, you look cute in it." You smiled again, she blushed at the compliment this time. "Now lets go to breakfast and hopefully not get chewed out for being late again." You said, letting out a laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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