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The rest of that night was history.


It's been a while since Taehyung and Jungkook started 'dating' and Taehyung was dying to tell Jungkook that he was pregnant, but he didn't want to upset the younger so he decided to wait.

Taehyung was laying on his couch at his own dorm. He was reading a magazine while wearing an oversized sweater with laced panties.

Suddenly he felt the same feeling in his stomach that he has been feeling all week. He felt horrible.

After going to the bathroom to throw up he went back into the living room to relax.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

He picked up his phone and checked who was calling.

His eyes beemed when he saw that Jungkook was calling.

He answered immediately.


"Hey babe"

"What do you need?."

"Can you come over?"

Taehyung knew exactly what he meant by 'come over'.

"Uhm, I'm busy right now Kookie"

He heard a small chuckle.

"You're never busy babe"

"Jimin is here, and we are playing dress up"

"Now I know something is up because I just saw Jimin with Yoongi"

Taehyung bit his lip.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Kookie.."

"Then why won't you come over?"

"I-I'm pr-" his phone died.

"Fuckkk I forgot to charge it.. Kookie will be mad... I hope he doesn't punish me"

Taehyung may be crazy and insane but he still has a normal part of him..

Taehyung sat up and got dressed in casual clothing before exiting his dorm.

He grabbed his dorm keys and was about to lock his door when he felt two muscular arms wrap around his waist.

"Why'd you hang up on me darling? You know that it makes me mad"

"M-my phone died" Taehyung whimpered when the younger pushed him back in his dorm.

And let's just say Taehyung didn't enjoy sex for the first time.


Taehyung was a mess.

His lips were swollen, his cheeks had tear stains, he had hickeys and bite marks all over his body and his body ached.

Jungkook already left Taehyungs dorm to play overwatch with his friends.

Taehyung had a barely noticeable belly bump forming and he felt sick.

He rubbed his belly, "I am so sorry baby.. I should of told him.."

He then slowly drifted to sleep.


Taehyung and Jungkook were walking hand in hand down the hallway.

Taehyung could hear snickers from people they passed.

He felt tears threatening to fall.

Jungkook noticed this and he glared at the people who were gossiping about them.

"Can y'all like shut the fuck up?"

They all shut their mouths and continued making their ways to class.

Jungkook quickly wiped Taehyungs tears away.

"Fuck them, they are just jealous cause I'm dating the most gorgeous boy"

Taehyung blushed, "t-thanks Kookie"

Once they entered their classroom they sat in their spots.

Taehyung glanced at his boyfriend and smiled to himself.

"I really am the luckiest boy in the world " he thought.


After class Jungkook asked him if he was up for some fun and Taehyung shook his head, "s-still worn out from last night". 

Jungkook chuckled before walking away.

Taehyung pouted and decided to follow the other, Jungkook seemed to be going towards the.. girls bathroom? 

He continued to follow him until a girl walked up to Jungkook.

He hid and watched around the corner, they were arguing about something.

Sex? Baby? Sorry?

Taehyungs face went pale once he realized the situation.

 He got a girl pregnant??

(OMG SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS WAIT- ZFSKCODSOSP family problems-, anYwaYs juSt wanTed to say- TYSFM FOR 10K 🤧💜, I honestly thought that when I made this it would be like 10 reads :,> thank y'all so much for the support y'all give to me, I PURPLE Y'ALL 💜)

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