Prologue - part 1

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Hi guys!! These are my characters if you wanna change them no problem at all. But in my mind these are the roles. Happy reading!!😊😊😊

"beep beep," what is that irritating sound.. oh, right my stupid alarm. I realized I had to get up but come on, one more minute of my beauty sleep won't trouble anybody, would it?

I was just about to close my eyes again when I heard a cry that I dreaded the most.

"Wake up, you crazy woman," Kayla screamed at the top of her voice. I whined and rolled to the side, burying my head further into my pillow as much as possible.

"Go away," I mumbled, trying to return to my beauty sleep. There was no response from her to that. I heard the floor creaking and knew that she left me alone. Okay, this is not normal. She is up to something. I just know it. Curious about why she left me, I was about to peek through my pillow to see what happened when I was suddenly soaking in ice water from my head to toe.

I shrieked and stood on my bed and squinted my eyes adjusting it to the sunlight falling through my room window. Then I looked up to catch who is asking for their death wish this pleasant morning.

It was my brother, Alan, holding a water jar in his hand with a smirk on his face. I saw my two best friends, Kayla and Megan, on either side of him with a amused grin on their face.

"You are so dead today," I answer, while glancing at my brother through my soaked hair. His eyes widen and his smirk flattered to a frown.

Just as he was about to run out of my room, I threw myself at him. Well, guess what, I missed him and landed face-first on my bedroom floor.

"Missed me, little sis," Alan smirked at me, peeking through my room door.

"Aargh....," I gave out my battle cry while standing up and chased after him, ignoring my friends as I make a mental note to get them later for this.

"It was not my fault. Megan and Kayla made me do it...," he shrieked like a girl.

"I don't care," I said, trying to capture him while ducking the cushion pillows he was firing at me. I heard my so-called besties giggling at us as we were running around the house like insane people.

" I will catch you guys later," I said, causing them to shut their mouth. And when I was merely inches away from reaching my target, someone swept me off my feet.

"Let me go," I wailed, struggling to free myself from the familiar hands of my boyfriend, Chase.

"Woah.... easy there sunshine. Why are you trying to murder my best buddy?," he said while holding me tighter as I battled to get loose.

"He was the one who started it." I pouted, feeling myself calm down a bit, and tried to catch my breath.

"Well... you wouldn't get up, and I needed to go shopping for my date today. So I decided to call Alan to get you up," Kayla told while getting down the stairs with Megan.

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