Prologue - part 2

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Hello people! Sry for the late update. Dealing with stuffs right now. But anyways, Happy reading😊

"Aww man, it's been two hours girls. Don't you all have a reset button?" Alan said while looking really exhausted even though all he did was carry our bags and saying no to all the dresses Kayla got. He was like no it's too short or not it's too tight, it was so annoying.

Finally, we made him shut up after we threatened him that we will spread rumors in school saying that he has STD. Yup, that successfully made him shut up.

" It's not like we invited you. You guys insisted on coming. Plus it's also all your fault why we are still here bro. If you let us take those dresses we saw earlier we could have gone home about one hour ago and get ready for mom's party today," I said.

" Oh god, I totally forgot about it. I don't know why she wants us there? But it doesn't matter because I'm sure it will be filled with sexy girls," Alan said while having his stupid smirk on his face.

"Ewww... really? Hmmm.. actually come to think of it, I think there will be a lot of hot boys too," I said thinking about the party my mom threw last time.

" Babe, I'm still here remember?" Chase said while pulling me to his side.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked jokingly.

" That's not funny," Chase grumbled while we all laughed.

"Okay guys, I think I'm done. Let's go grab some food, yeah?" Kayla said.

" Finally, I don't know how many more minutes I could survive with these bags in my hand?" Chase said while trying to balance the many bags he has with him.

" Oh yeah, I'm parched. I want some ice cream. There is this new place called 'Mario's dining' that was opened yesterday. Wanna try that?" Meg asked us.

" Follow us, peasants. Mario's dining, here we come," I said to the guys while dropping the rest of the bags in my hand and grabbing Meg's and Kay's hand, making Chase and my brother gather up our shopping bags and follow us.

"Hey, bring your ass down here, your royal highness," Alan yelled at us while we ran towards the food court giggling.


"Okay, time to go home. Come on guys, there are thousand other things for me to do before I go to my date," Kay said while paying up for our ice cream.

"Who is this guy you are going with again?" Alan asked while trying to steal some of my ice cream.

" Hey, stop that," I said while pulling my ice cream away from him. No one and I means no one comes in between me and my ice cream.

" It's Dave, Alan. Remember the guy who was my project partner for our ICT assignment? How many times do I have to tell you?" Kay repeated what she has been saying for the last 2 days since she told us that Dave, the guy she had a crush on for the past three weeks has finally asked her out.

" Hmmm...," came Alan's reply.

"Hey guys, can we go to the washroom, cause I really have to pee right now," Meg said while throwing her ice cream cup to the nearest garbage bin.

" Yeah me too. Let's go, you guys stay right here," I said while giving a kiss to Chase's cheek.

"I don't know why you are doing this to yourself and Alan when you clearly know what's going on," I said to Kay when we were out of earshot from the guys. Kayla and my brother have this chemistry going on between them for a very long time. We all see it except them. They are just too stubborn to admit it.

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