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   Derick ran as fast as he could, making sure to not turn back.

   He couldn't believe what he was feeling. This couldn't be right, there was no way!

   Derick quickly called his boss, he needed to tell him what just happened.

   "What do you want?!" His boss yelled into the phone. "I told you to never call me unexpectedly"

   Derick apologized for not warning him before hand, but he said that he just got some news.

   "I got a...different aura from the red headed girl, boss. Something felt weird" he said, trying to recall the energy he felt from Anne.

   "Oh bullcrap! You said that last time, and what happened? They got away! Call me when there's ACTUALLY an update" and with that, Derick's boss hung up, leaving Derick to his thoughts.


   "Okay, so Matthew and Marilla are very strict when it comes to people coming over" Anne said, pacing back and fourth.

   The two had already arrived at Green Gables, and were waiting by the cherry blossom tree underneath Anne's window.

   Gilbert was trying hard to focus on what Anne was saying, but he was miserably failing. He was getting distracted by the way the moonlight shone tenderly on her pale skin, highlighting her freckles. Beautiful.

   "Gilbert! Are you even listening?!" Anne whisper yelled, remembering where they were standing.

   "Oh, uh yeah, sorry" Gilbert said sheepishly, trying to recall what Anne was just telling him.

   Anne explained the plan to Gilbert, again. She told him to wait outside while she went inside, and a few minutes later, he was to come in, saying that he got lost.

   Yes, it wasn't the best idea she'd ever come up with, but it would do.

   "Why don't we just tell them what actually happened?" Gilbert asked, puzzled with Anne's extra-ness.

   "Are you absurd?!?" Anne shouted, a little too loudly.

   They heard some shuffling inside the house, when the front door swung open, revealing Marilla.

   "Hide!" Anne yelled, trying to push Gilbert into a nearby bush. Just before she could, Marilla caught both of them.

   "And what do you think you're doing, young lady?" Marilla questioned, making Anne wince and turn around.

   "I promise I didn't mean to lie to you, well, plan to lie to you, but I know how strict you can be when it comes to people coming over and-"  Anne was cut off by Gilbert extending his hand towards Marilla, with a kind smile on his face.

   "Hi Ms. Cuthbert, my name is Gilbert, it's nice to meet you! I'm sorry to disturb you, but Anne and I have encountered an attacker, and I offered to sleep at Green Gables with her, if that's okay with you?" Gilbert asked, shaking Marilla's hand.

   Marilla's eyebrows raised in shock. "An attacker?! Oh my, you're welcome to stay the night, dear. Gosh, people these days." Marilla said, escorting the two of them into the Dining Room.

   "I told you, that's all you had to do" Gilbert said, shrugging. Anne sighed, following both of them into the house.

   Marilla gave Gilbert an extra bedsheet and pillow, so he would be comfortable.

   Gilbert thanked Marilla, and Anne and him went up to her room.

   Anne helped Gilbert place the bedsheet on the ground, and she returned to her bed.

   There was a long silence before Anne started to talk. "What do you think Derick wants?" She asked Gilbert, pulling her blanket up to her chin.

   Gilbert shrugged, looking up at the ceiling. "You don't need to think about that right now, just go to sleep. Besides, I'm here to protect you" Gilbert said cheekily, smiling at Anne.

   She fake gagged and replied "yeah right! Anyways, I am going to sleep, goodnight", and with that, both of them drifted to sleep.


(Btw, this part of the chapter gets pretty intense, so if you don't want to read it just comment and I'll summarize it for you:) I'll put this emoji '👍🏻' when you can start reading again!)

   "And princess Cordelia raised her big bad pistol and shot the kitten!" Anne woke up and her mouth was instantly covered by a hand.

   "What?!" She muffled out, trying to look at the other orphaned girls.

   "Everyone is meant to die, Anne. No one will care when you die." The older orphan whispered in Anne's ear.

   "Let go of me!" Anne cried. She managed to break free from her grasp and she ran to the hallway.

   "Run all you want, 'Cordelia', I'll catch you!" The older girl said.

   "I'll catch you! I'll catch you!" The girl repeated, laughing psychotically.

   Anne turned the corner and stopped running, thinking she lost the girl who was chasing her.

   In the older orphaned girl's place, stood Derick.

    "I said I'll catch you, freak!" Derick said grabbing hold of her arm. His grip was extremely tight, so there was no possible way for her to wriggle free.

   "Let go! Help! Please!" Anne pleaded, only to be silenced by Derick's other hand.

   He shoved her to the wall. He laughed maniacally and insulted her. "Freak!"

   "Freak!" The word resonated in her head, pounding her skull as if there was a hammer inside her head.

   "No one will ever want you." Derick said, as he pulled out a tiny pocket knife, raising it to her neck.

   "Bye bye..."



   "NOOO!" Anne yelled, pulling the covers off of herself.

   "Anne?! Are you alright?!" Gilbert said, looking at the redhead on the bed next to him.

   "W...what? How am I..." Anne looked around and realized that she was back at Green Gables. "Oh, it was just a dream..." Anne said, looking over at the confused boy.

   Gilbert was extremely confused. Did she have a nightmare? "What was just a dream?" He asked, sitting up.

   Anne explained the whole dream to him, and he sat there in shock.

   "You never told me you were an orphan...I'm really sorry Anne" Gilbert said, giving her an empathic look.

   She smiled at the boy. 'He's extremely chivalrous , I'm so lucky to be his friend' she thought.

   "Well, we best be going to sleep now" Gilbert yawned, lying back down on the bedsheet.

   "Wait, Gilbert..." Anne said, making Gilbert pause in his tracks. He hummed in response, looking back at the fiery haired girl.

   "...can you stay up here with me?"

A/n: another cliffhanger 😂 also, the reason why Anne was so shook by Derick was because it reminded her of the orphanage! I tried to explain it in the dream :))

anywayyy I changed the cover of the book because I got tired of the other cover lol 😂

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