C7 - Jugheads story 2

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So I've walked in the white Wyrm, the smell of beer and cigarettes is over powering but I don't let that stop me from what I got to do, I slowly walk around the bar trying to find one person in particular "hey kid" I turn around and a girl jumps of the stage I look at her and see a black leather jacket blonde hair, blue crystal eyes "what is a kid like you doing in a place like this"she says slowly moving her hand up my arm to my collarbone "I'm here to see your boss Sweet pea" I say turning my head to the girl "sweet pea huh ok well follow me kid" she walks off towards the meeting room, she grabs the door handle and opens the black door "off you go" she says with her hand pointing towards the room, I slowly walk in and I see sweet pea seating at a big long brown table with a big snake printed on it "Jughead welcome I'm glad to finally see you here after all this time"
"hahah what type of name is Jughead that's funny as" says the girl "Jughead I like you to meet Betty copper, my girlfriend she's not nice to many people so don't take anything she says personal" says sweet pea with a grin " it's ok I've gotten used to it anyway I'm not here to talk about my name, I need some money so what jobs do you have for me?" I say.
Later that night placed me in a dark ally with Betty and sweet pea waiting for our truck to meet us and that was a little scary considering I've never been longer with sweet pea other then 3 mins at school before he dropped out and the fact I'm doing this job, so my nerves were a little all over the place "hey scaredy-cat, how are you doing" says Betty  "I'm kinda all over the place lately so not 100%" I say looking down to my cheap shoes"
"Sorry that your having a rough time kid" says Betty I don't know why she keeps calling me kid, I'm like the same age and she now knows my name but anyway. The truck arrives and jumped out of the driver side, a man walks to the back of the truck and opens the doors, so many crates but no idea what's in them, I slowly look to sweet pea and Betty talking to the man "jughead help me grab the crates" sweet pea says.

"Thank you jughead for helping us tonight, I'll have your pay in your bank account tomorrow morning" says sweet pea shaking my pale cold hand. "What was in the crates if you don't mind me asking" I say to sweet pea "it's nothing important don't worry about it, just be there when I need you and everything will go ok between us" he says. Early that moring at 3am I had to sneak back into the house which will be hard because our old floor boards crack I reach my room "thank god" I say as I slowly close my door, I get out of the clothes I was wearing and jumped  into bed. The next morning my alarm goes off and I'm laying there deeply looking at the roof I get a text from Betty "we got a other job meet us this afternoon at the White Wrym"
"Good morning juggie" says jellybean as she walks past my door, I text Betty back and slowly walk to jellybean in the kitchen "so what are we doing today" jellybean says with coco pops rolling around in her mouth, I look at my bowl of cereal and think to myself what are we going to do but all of sudden the door bell rings but it's not for us "dad there's a person here for you" says jellybean, FB walks out and his face builds up in fear he looks over to us and tells us to go for a walk as we have to, we listen and walk outside, as I look back for a second all I see is the guy grabbing fb I know this won't end good for him, he's always messing up with the wrong people.

We make our way to the other side of the tracks and go to the park, I text maila to come hang later down the track as the three of us were hanging out, I got a call "hello jughead we need you here now" Betty says as she ends the call "sorry guys I got to go, malia look after jellybean plz" I say "ye I can but wait what's going on with you lately" maila says worried, I look up to maila and I really want to tell her what's going on, "I'm sorry maila I can't say anything yet but I promise I will soon"I say rushing off

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