Chapter 3: The Third Leg?

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"Hey! Why are you up at this hour? Isnt it around 2 a.m. there?"

"Hi Pragya! No, actually it is around 4pm here."

"Where are you Raghav?"

"New Delhi."

"What are you doing in India? I didn't know you were coming."

"Well, had a series of guest lectures to deliver at St. Stephens. So, I extended the trip with a few additional leaves from work. I thought if I was coming all the way here, might as well meet my sister and her family"

"Oh so after the lectures, you will be flying to Bangalore?"

"Oh no. They have moved to Mumbai now."

"Oh, that is great Raghav, you must meet my entire family here too! They would be delighted to meet you. And you will also get to see my niece - I tell you Raghav, she is a darling!" adored Pragya.

"Sure Pragya, I will be in Mumbai in about a weeks' time! I got to go now! Goodbye!"

Pragya hung up and smiled - The world and its ways - she thought amused.


It was a late Sunday morning. Sarla was helping Bulbul in bathing little fuggy and daadi had gone to the market to buy vegetables. As Pragya walked into their hall, she saw Purab watching football. Purab turned to see Pragya di, and smiled gravely. He then turned off the television and turned to Pragya.

"Di, are you free for a bit? Can we talk?"

"Sure Purab! Why do you look so grave? What is it?" asked Pragya as she joined him in the couch opposite.

"Di, I was just wondering, what if ----- what if I had never approached Bulbul ever?"

"What do you mean Purab?" asked Pragya uncertainly.

"Di, I mean, around the time I met Bulbul, I was already engaged to Aaliyah right? I knew I didn't love Aaliyah, but since I was engaged, what if I never told Bulbul about my feelings and had let her go without giving us a chance? What do you think would have happened?"

"Purab, why are you having such strange notions? Is everything okay between you and Bulbul?" asked a worried Pragya now.

"No no di, everything is fine. Just meddling with a situation in mind. What would have happened according to you di?"

"Purab had you let the love of your life pass without ever trying, you would regret all your life wondering why did you not give yourself that one chance which could change your story forever" mumbled Pragya lost in thoughts.

"Thank God di, I gave myself that chance. Turns out my happiness was just that one chance away from me. And you di?"

"What about me Purab?"

"What about your happiness di? What if even that is just one attempt away from you? Would you never extend you hand because of your past?"

"Purab I really don't know where this conversation is going, let me see what is there to make for lunch in the ---"

"No di, please sit here and listen! Abhi was a mistake in your life - a mistake that you have erased. You are halfway through - now why keep your life as a blank sheet? Take the next step di, open up for heart di, add colour to this paper. If you think I was right in giving my life a chance, even when my choice could temporarily dampen some else's happiness, then why is it wrong for you to give life a chance? Love a chance? When your choice wouldn't detrimentally affect anyone!"

Before Pragya could respond, thankfully the doorbell rang and Pragya hurried to open the door and escape the conversation. Off late, when it came to listening to someone's suggestion about her life, Pragya always preferred Sarla and Bulbul's - not because they were her mother and sister, but simply because, they would base their arguments on emotional rantings - it was so much easier to play around with words until they gave up. But Purab was smart, he based his suggestions on logical reasoning. Pragya always ended up buying his logic and then it was difficult to fend off his advice. He was right - after all only when he gave himself a chance did he find happiness - but she...? As she opened the main door expecting here daadi, Abhi walked in and greeted her.

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