Chapter 4: Permutation and Combination

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"Mrs. Chopra?" repeated Abhi as he walked in with Purab from the door. Bulbul just went ahead and hugged Abhi first before saying,

"Yes Abhi, our soon to be Mrs. Chopra. - Mrs. Pragya Raghav Chopra! Di has agreed for the marriage!"

"Oh, that's...that's..I mean that's g-good news Bulbul!" smiled Abhi uncertainly. "Congratulations Pragya" croaked Abhi. "Oh, me and Samaira, Pragya and Raghav" thought Abhi to himself.

So Sam (Samaira) was right, she wanted privacy, that's why she had declined his offer to hang out with him and Sam. So who was this Raghav, and how did she conjure him out of thin air? Was he a good guy? He must be, Sarla aunty, Purab and Bulbul all seem excited. Purab wouldn't relax unless he already had a 360 degree scan report of this guy. Maybe he could ask him? And what was this uncomfortable feeling in his chest? Maybe he should reduce his cardio exercise a little, age is catching up!

As the ladies of the house huddled to the kitchen to make breakfast and gossip, the two men were left to manage little fuggy! Purab was playing with fuggy in the buggy and Abhi was watching them lost in his thought. Should he confront Pragya and find out if she chose Raghav out of some kind of pressure? But why would she own up even if she did, before him? Well, he had shared Tanu's secret, she had to share this one to be even. But would Pragya comply? And what if she asked who was Abhi to ask her this? Did he have a reply? No asking Pragya wasn't a great option. He should find something out of Purab himself.

"Purab, this Raghav guy----"

"---Is a very decent chap and is perfect for Pragya di Abhi! Here come see this new trick our fuggy learnt." finished Purab a bit deliberately. His point was noted, all queries on Raghav were closed for Abhi.

When Pragya served breakfast to all, she got a text message. Abhi looked up to see her smiling softly at the screen - since when did Pragya's smile irritate him? And what was so funny that she was smiling - silly senior fuggy! Like maasi like niece - both smile without reasons!

"Ma, I need to visit Raghav's once in sometime. His sister wants to meet me once before coming in the evening. Purab can you drop me after breakfast?"

As Bulbul teasingly made a "uuhh-huhhh" sound and came to hug her di, her smile suddenly faltered, "But di, today morning Purab and I need to take fuggy to the child specialist! will you..."

"It's okay Bulbul, I will take a cab."

"But di, you don't even know the way, you can't ---"

"Don't worry Bulbul, I will drop her!" said Abhi. It was a brilliant way to get some answers out.

"No bhai, don't worry. Bulbul let's cancel today's appointment and get it for next week? Then I will go and drop di"

"Absolutely not Purab, we are not compromising with fuggy. I am sure Pragya wont want that either would you Pragya?" asked Abhi with a concerned face.

Even though after yesterday, Pragya was reluctant to go with Abhi, she didn't want fuggy's doctor's appointment cancelled. She mumbled, "Absolutely Abhi. Yes, Abhi will drop me then."

Purab didn't argue further, but he knew it was too early a stage in Pragya di and Raghav's relation. He didn't want Abhi lurking around. Having known Abhi from his childhood, he could sense a change in his behaviour towards Pragya from the time they met this time- it wasn't good news for Pragya di, Raghav and even Samaira!


"Whistling while driving - bad habits die hard isn't it?" laughed Pragya, while sitting in the car next to Abhi as he drove. When they were around others, their equation was awkward nowadays. No one seemed to be talking about anything other than Samaira and Raghav from yesterday. But here in the car, with Samaira and Raghav temporarily silenced, she seemed to feel a little more relaxed.

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