Chapter 5: The Denouement (PART 1)

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Abhi's daadi had gone through a mixed emotion when she came to know about Pragya and Raghav from Purab. True, Pragya deserved happiness more than anyone else she knew, maybe even more than her Abhi, but in the last few weeks when she saw Abhi, she felt he was content from within for some reason. Her Abhi never seemed devastated at Pragya's departure all those years back, it was true - in fact he was with that Tanu always. But now with Pragya around she felt, his happiness back then was somewhere superficial, his true contentment lay in Pragya's company. Her Abhi has laughed a lot in the last four years, but only Pragya's presence could make him smile.

Hence, deep down, even though it was in her subconscious, she had started hoping. Hoping that maybe Abhi and Pragya would reconsider their decisions of the past. She had finally decided to give Abhi a breather from the list of eligible girls she made him visit every other day, so that he could spend a little more time with Pragya - but the morning she decided to tell Abhi that, he had told her that he had chosen someone from the list - Samaira. Well daadi liked Sam. She was an intelligent mix of open mindedness and cultural heritage. She was confident and nurturing, she was the kind of girl who would be able to hold on to Abhi and his unruly lifestyle - now, that was all daadi was seeking for Abhi - someone to take care of him after her - love had come his way, but her grandson was to blind to hold on - now her expectations from Abhi was bare minimal.

Now, Pragya and Raghav's news were the last nails on the coffin. Daadi was silent - she had long since accepted that her Abhi and her Pragya weren't meant to be - had she only not dared to hope again this time, she would have been perfectly happy now. Nonetheless she invited Pragya and Raghav for dinner one evening - she wanted to meet Raghav and see for herself, who the lucky man was.

When Pragya and Raghav arrived at the Mehra Mansion, they were greeted by daadi, Sam, Abhi and to Pragya's surprise, Aaliyah. Pragya went ahead and hugged Aaliyah and greeted her. In all these weeks, and the number of times she had visited this house, she realized, this was the first time she was meeting her, after those four years - Aaliyah, the only person in Abhi's house who knew about Pragya's feelings for Abhi - those four years back.

"Aaliyah, I am so glad that I finally got to meet you. I thought even tonight you will probably not be able to take out time from work."

"Hello Pragya, I know, I have been keeping busy with work, but daadi told me today was special because we will meet your fianc and I thought I shouldn't miss this opportunity. I am very happy for you Pragya." she smiled. Aaliyah was still the same and yet she had changed. She was still cautious and curt towards Pragya, she was still not her friend, but she was her confidant.

That day, all those years back, Pragya had cried softly after the retreating figure of Abhi, when he was going to file their divorce. She had confessed her feelings that day, "Abhi, I am your wife. I love you, you can't leave me for Tanu, for anyone. I can't live without you" He never heard her, but Aaliyah who had come to see how she was doing, had heard her - it wasn't new to her, she had seen this in Pragya's eyes the night before when her brother was taking her for the surprise dinner at Kanheri Caves. She stood there silently until Pragya noticed her and tried to hide her tears. She came into the room and held her shoulders gently.

"Bhabi you are the strong woman I am trying to be, after losing Purab. Be that."

Pragya smiled back at the present day Aaliyah and turned to reach for Raghav's arm. She wanted to introduce Raghav to Aaliyah.

"Aayliah this is my finace --------"

"Raghav Chopra?!?" Aaliyah looked surprised.

"Aaliyah Mehra!! Of course, rockstar Abhi's sister - Abhi/ Abhishesk, how did I not see this" replied Raghav unexpectedly.

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