Chapter 21

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"If you care for me that much..." My cheeks were burning, but I held my ground being as confident as I could. 

"T-then stop crying for me." I couldn't help but slowly stretch a smile across my face as I watched him slowly look up at me, his eyes carrying so much emotion even I felt myself melt. 

The poor thing looked like a lost kitten, it made my heart ache slightly in guilt for being the reason for his tears.

If I were to be honest, him being so emotional was new to me. Not because he was completely cold, but he wasn't someone to express his feelings so openly. 

So seeing him cry in front of me made my heart swell. I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt a gentle hand slip to my cheek.

"You are wounded."  His eyes hardened as they traced over my features, his red eyes stood out like rubies against the still slightly glistening tears left over from his weeping. 


"He did this, didn't he..." He shuddered out a breath as his hand fell slowly down to the side of my neck.

My lips pressed into a thin line, because I knew it was myself, to blame for my injuries. Which were freshly starting to heal, the bruises on my shoulders and arms had started to lose their colour. My cuts had started to scab over and the pain in my neck had ceased to be. 

It was me, who was accountable for my pain. 

"I pushed him over the edge. I teased him like I used to, to see if he'd remember anything..." I laughed sourly, my eyes stung slightly. 

"He didn't." My voice surprisingly came out only a whisper

"I don't know how to get him back Yoongs, he looked at me with such disgust in his eyes..." I didn't want to cry, not after I'd asked him to stop crying. Soon my face was pressed into his chest.

I instantly started sobbing as I wrapped my arms around his waist, searching for the endearing comfort I needed most. 

"We will get him back. I know it." Yoongi said full of hope, gently cuddling all my sorrows away. My shoulders relaxed under his touch. 

"I missed you." I could practically feel him grinning at my out of place remark, quickly I felt my whole world shifting as he hoisted me off my feet and spun me around all romantic drama like.

I couldn't stop giggling as I felt myself get put down. 

"I missed you too." He placed both hands on my cheeks as he gazed at me. His smile was almost the definition of pure cute. 

The air was comfortable, we couldn't stop smiling. He sighed and placed his forehead on mine. I froze slightly, feeling the heat rise in my face.

If I wasn't as red as a tomato then, I was now.  But eventually I got the memo and followed his lead, I closed my eyes and indulged in the warmth and silence between us. 

"You realize when I say I care for you..." I felt his fingers travel lightly down my arms, and eventually, his hands laced with mine. 

"I care for you in a way that I have never felt before, my first instinct is to always make sure you are okay, happy." I opened my eyes again slightly confused to what he was getting at. 

"Yoongs wh-"

"Uh! What I mean is I uh... I um..." He sucked in a breath and leaned slightly away from me so he could look me in the eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak but the door slammed open, he grumbled under his breath at the sight of a smirking Jimin.

"Sorry to interrupt but someone is here to see you Y/n. She says she's from the kingdom." I raised my eyebrow and shook my head.

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