Chapter 29

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A bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face, the man he was staring at was nobody but himself. But this man was different, happy; his face looking serene and gentle as he stared at the titan.

"Chaos..." The titan flinched back when the calm man reached out and tried to touch him, his eyes flashing with threat.

"Stop this madness. Go back to Y/N... Go back to your family." He looked himself dead in the eye, a compromising feeling beginning to wash up into his chest, regret, fear. The thing that worried him most is that he wanted to go back, he wanted to feel her presence around him even if he had to put up with other gods in the process.

"Shut up, Shut up, shut up! You don't know shit, those wretched gods aren't my family! Stop haunting me, you should have been gone a long time ago." He felt himself slip slightly into the abyss below him, a surprised grunt fleeing him.

"Namjoon." His head flung in the direction of his other self, his heart beating erratically at the name he shares with this polar opposite.

"You are a god, this isn't who you are..." A flash of pain crossed over the others face, his hand clenching his silk clad chest as he faltered slightly. He huffed out a laugh quietly as he straightened himself.

"But it's time to wake up Namjoon. Wake up." He reached out and yelled before he finally fell into the dark pit below his feet.

It was so dark...

He shot up in his bed, his body trembling and his sheets ripped from an apparent struggle with himself. He scrubbed a hand down his face in stress, only to find fresh tears fleeing down his olive cheeks. He looked up at the ceiling with an exhausted sigh.

"All these tears Chaos, for a woman that you are meant to hate...."


I sighed as I looked around at the clouds surrounding Jungkook and I.

He looked down at me, his eyebrows creased with worry but a small smile graced his face.

"Oi, cheer up-" He placed a hand on my head and fluffed up my hair evilly. His eyes beginning to scan over the clouds in thought. He whistled at his dragons with a glowing grin, they huffed out a chuff and the carriage began plummeting through the sky. 

I knew one thing, I was never gonna get used to the feeling of almost dying every time I'm up in the sky. I screamed my lungs out, Jungkook's laughed bellowed throughout the sunset sky. 

We were suddenly at a large hotel, a very fancy one at that. I gasped realizing we were in a different world; the human world. 

"Kook, we shouldn't be here-" He sighed and spun me around, my royal dress turning into a gown fit for the finest wine date out there, his somewhat threatening apparel switched to a fitted silk button down and midnight suit pants to match it. His fingers and neck littered with gold jewelry. 

His eyes however, became sad... Almost guilty even.

"Let me do this for you, just this once. We have ages til we actually have to be at Olympus and besides-" His eyes flickered as if a light were turned on, the burning golden orange orbs stared into my own with a devilish glint.  He held his hand out as he bowed slightly, his eyes never leaving my own. 

 "I could never leave a lady like you looking so listless... Especially when you are with me." 


Hey Hey! The war god strikes again- oop 


- <3 T 

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