Chapter 30

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We strolled into the building, the dimly lit room illuminating the stunning guests within it; Women had a wonderful and mysterious classiness to them, while the men remained suave and powerful aura surrounding them. My eyes flickered to my own outfit, my awkward mannerisms sticking out like a stick in the mud against these people. 

Jungkook's hand smoothly guided it's way to the small of my back, charmingly giving me familiar comfort from the new surroundings. 

"Just relax, they won't so much as drool at you you as long as I'm here princess." I giggled, nodding my head with a sigh. What was I so uncomfortable about? I was the new leader of the sea, I didn't need to be powerless anymore. 

He guided me to a table, the scent of lavender lit candles and fresh linen releasing the tension from my shoulders further more. 

"Thank you, for all of this Kookie, really." His eyes crinkled with a smile, lightening up my mood considerably. The waiter swayed towards us, his tail coat flowing behind him elegantly. 

"Good evening, what would you like to indulge in?" I looked to the menu, my eyebrows furrowing slightly, the voice of this person somewhat familiar; however the person that stood in front of me was a friendly looking old man, there was something up.

 This wasn't five star dining cuisine, these were all my comfort foods that I ate when I felt flat.

I scanned to the war god across for me, his pure smile from before all but gone; replaced by a curled grin not even their Cheshire cat could wear. 

"Uh... I'll take... The fried chicken, um, with the honey mustard... Please?" I tilted my head in confusion. Worried of how this has become a reality.

"The same, thank you." The waiter nodded and rushed off to send the message to the chefs. 

"Explain yourself, right now." I crossed my arms over my chest, he placed a hand on the back of his neck, a nervous laugh fleeing him. 

"I guess they just guessed that you enjoyed these foods! Ha... ha.." I sighed in confusion, I would have advanced further with my questions until... A fuming god loomed a dark shadow over the table.

"Park Jimin get out here now!" Hoseok's voice echoed throughout the whole building, however nobody reacted; they continued through their dinners as if it was nothing. 

The old waiter scurried out as if his age didn't define his physical abilities, he halted beside Hoseok and with the click of his finger, the god of love appeared in front of me with his bottom lip between his teeth. He was nervous, very, nervous. 

 "Y/N, I'm sorry! Jungkook and I just wanted to cheer you up a little...-" He took my hand in his, the warmth from his own made my features soften from the shock.

"You see, Eros brings forward the feeling of desire. While his main focus is romantic or even sexual love, he brings forward somewhat small and silly desires as well. You seemed stressed so, we wanted to give you some relaxing time where you could let go a little." Jungkook explained further. 

"You guys... Did all of this for me...?" My cheeks began to hurt, trying to hold my laughter. The guilty looks on their faces almost made me forget how incredible and mighty these gods are. But, they are my family, their efforts made my heart feel warm for the first time since the fight with Yoongi. 

I couldn't hold back anymore... 


She laughed, she laughed and laughed until she cried, at first we were confused. Her stressed and tired eyes began to relax and glow with a innocent happiness that sent us into a daze of wonder.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't be laughing at your efforts, but I feel so happy. Thank you Jim, Guk, really. I've been selfish and gloomy this whole time without realizing that it may have had a stressful effect on everyone else." The two boys in front of me smiled gently at her, her hands wrapping around theirs, their eyes glowing with honorable affection. 

But these affections were unalike, one in innocent appreciation; the other... 

An unrequited love shone brightly in his eyes as he looked at her, it made my heart frown. 

But this was a struggle for a later time, something that isn't ready to be dealt with now. I pressed my hand on the table, my other pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"Now that we have sorted the mystery out, Jimin, please remove this illusion before Artemis sees-"  

"Before Artemis sees what, Brother?" A shiver ran down my spine; I have never felt more fearful for my life, than in this very moment.

Of course they had to set this up, directly under Olympus. 


The woman that stood before me had sharp and intimidating features, but like Hoseok, her eyes showed an immediate softness. The wonderful white dress that clung to her olive tanned body in beautiful fashion, laced with an abundance of delicate gold detailing, spiraled to perfection. 

The most prominent feature was the deer like ears that sprouted upwards from her darkened hair and the bow string that crossed over her shoulder through to her waist, holding a proud bow on her back. 

This... Was the goddess of the hunt, a being that made the toughest of lions dip their heads in respect. But it seemed I was the only one that stared in wonder, forgetting that she was now butting heads with Jungkook. Their faces in a snarl as they shoved each other agressively. 

"Ready to eat my dust you puny war god? You aint lookin' as buff as ya usually do! Kookieee." She jabbed a finger into Jungkook's chest, a huffed out laugh of dismissal came out in response.

"Yeah, yeah talk all you want little hunting god. What are you gonna do? Send Elaphoi after me? That's real cute coming from a scary old woman like you!" He boasted with a shrug of his shoulders, it was then a fire started between them. 

I did not want to be caught in between that

"D-don't worry Y/N! I'll protect you...!" Jimin timidly stepped in front of me, his chest puffed up like a defensive chick. The woman's head snapped towards us, he gaze locking onto me. 

She shoved away from Jungkook and strode over to us, it took one look from her to Jimin for him to slowly move out of the way...

At least he tried? She stared down at me; her inquisitive eyes studying my every movement , it was in this moment that I realized that she was a lot taller than I was. She raised a hand to my cheek and gently placed it. 

I blinked in confusion, however that was quickly cleared by a dazzling heart shaped smile and a powerful laugh fled her lips. 

"We finally meet, Ruler of the Sea." 


I just realized while updating that my last chapter had like 600 words?? 

Like.. No <3 

so sorry that the last chapter was very short!! 

I loved the Dynamite music video, their outfits were incredible and suited every member so well!! 

Also to my  g a e s  out there, 

I will not hesitate to make you simp for Artemis 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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