People come in all shapes and sizes, colors and personalities, religions and sexulaties. And even though none of us are exactly alike, some people feel the need to treat us like we are. It's rather quite obvious people can make a hypothesis of others, but simple small acts of courage can prove them terribly wrong.
I remember during a physical fitness test, we had to measure how close we could touch our toes. I'm betting most of the other students made a "hypothesis" that I could barely touch my knees, let alone my toes. That was the day, I proved to others, these hypothesis you make of people as if they are human lab rats, could be absolutely wrong.
From those two paragraphs, you are probably thinking:
1) Wow this character is definitely not a wallflower
2) She/he probably has the attitude of a teenage girl on her period
Well I have two things to say about that
1) You just made a hypothesis about somebody
2) I recommend next time you try harder not to
Now I apologize for the over-use of a middle school science term. Here is the real story.