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Mortal Realm

Kwon Jiyeon (You) is just a simple girl, at least that's what she thinks. At a very young age, she's maltreated by her father and other relatives. Everyone believed that she's cursed and will bring bad luck to anyone, the night she was born, her relatives witnessed her unusual hair color, which is white, them, believing that she's cursed, started to spread rumors about her until their whole town started to avoid her that she can't even enroll or go to school. Yes, her own relatives spread the rumors about her. She never got to go out of their house, she always dreamt of studying in school and have fun so she came up with an idea, she read all the books that his brother had used, this helped her to learn new things and eventually, she became open-minded with her environment and became wiser and knowledgeable. She used to have a perfect life back then but when they got involve in a car accident, her father started to believe the rumors. The accident changed everything, her brother was unable to move both of his legs in other words, paralyzed, her mother was weaker and her father became ruthless. But then, at the age of 7, her mother with his brother, Jiyong, left her with her father.

Immortal Realm

There are 8 kingdoms in the immortal realm, these are;
1. Royal Heir
2. Shadow Mystic
3. Twilight Forest
4. Ethereal Meadow
5. Oceania
6. Enchancia
7. Terra Elementum
8. Lupi Incredibili

The Royal Heir is the highest kingdom of all, this kingdom is usually populated by different creatures, which are; Angel, Demon, Mermaid or Merman, Witch or Wizard, Avatar, Werewolf, and Vampire. This kingdom rules all the remaining kingdoms, the royal family in this kingdom is the most powerful family in the realm, they possess very dangerous and strong powers. The creatures in this kingdom (except the royal family) are stronger than the other creatures in the remaining kingdoms. They call these creatures "special" because of the power they possess and "normal" for the creatures in the remaining kingdoms.

Shadow Mystic is the kingdom of demons. The demons in this kingdom might look kind and caring but beware especially when they are angry, whenever they're angry, their emotions are uncontrollable and their powers might tear you apart. They can also transform into a full demon (with horns and wings) whenever they're angry or if needed.

Twilight Forest is the kingdom of vampires, they attract people with their breathtaking visuals, but since the Royal Heir (the highest kingdom) ordered the royal family in this kingdom to stop feeding on humans so instead of drinking humans' blood, their drinking animals' blood. Every vampire in this kingdom has its own abilities such as invisibility, teleportation and etc. But they still all have super speed, mind manipulation, and intense hearing ability. On the other hand, just like the other vampires, the "special" ones also have their own abilities but their abilities are stronger.

Ethereal Meadow is the kingdom of angels, they are the kindest and the gentlest creature in the realm. Their abilities and soft features just add up to their gentle and caring personality. They can lessen any amount of pain by simple skin contact but the disadvantage to this ability is that they couldn't use this ability to themselves. They could also control emotions but just like vampires, they all have special abilities. Angels can communicate with aerial animals. They could also turn into a full angel (with wings and halo) if they needed to.

Oceania is the kingdom of mermaids and mermen. They can turn into humans whenever they step on the land but they need to keep themselves dried because once their body gets wet or even a single drop of water came in contact with their skin, their legs would instantly turn into tales. They can also be a great help for their kingdom whenever there are enemies because of their ability to hypnotize and manipulate anyone by attracting them with their enchanting voice. They can also make a disaster or storms and communicate with aquatic animals.

Enchancia is the kingdom of wizards and witches, they are the ones who make potions and spells. They are also in charge of making or inventing machines (simple). They are also capable of making illusions. They are also known as "The Brain" of the realm.

Terra Elementum is the kingdom of manipulators of different elements such as water, fire, air, and earth or land. Each of them has only one element to control. The manipulators that can control two or more elements are considered as avatars or as "special".

Lupi Incredibili is the kingdom of werewolves, every werewolf has its own wolf inside them, they should learn how to control their wolf because if anything goes wrong they might tear someone apart. They also have super speed (but slower than vampires) and intense hearing ability. Werewolves can communicate with any terrestrial animals. And of course, they can turn into a complete wolf.

All immortal creatures will stop aging when they reach 21. They'll die only if someone will murder them or if they're suffering from illness or sickness. Marrying one or more boys/girls is very normal, especially for royals. For example, the prince of Twilight Forest will marry the 5 princesses of Enchancia. In this realm, even though they're siblings, sometimes have different surnames, for example, Jeon, Oh, Lee, Song, Choi, their surnames are different because they have different fathers but they all have the same mother, but some have similar surnames because they have the same father but one or more mother. Marriage wouldn't affect or change the woman's/womens' surname. Giving birth to 5 or more children is also normal to them. The child will only inherit his/her father's powers and abilities. The child's powers and abilities will only be unleashed when he/she reach 7.

The eye color of the seven creatures living in this realm:

1. Werewolves - Gold

2. Vampires - Red

3. Witches and Wizards - Violet

4. Mermaids and Mermen - Sky blue

5. Angels - Light gray

6. Demon - Black (but when they're in their complete demon form, their eyes will be completely black)

7. Avatars/element manipulators - Orange

These eye colors help every supernatural creature to classify or to know what kind of creature they're talking with or interacting with.


I know... the names of the realm sucks and the names of the kingdoms too, but that's the best that I could think of.

I'm very sorry for the grammar errors, mistakes, and more. If any of you are confused, please approach me. I can explain the introduction further if you want😂. I know that I suck in explaining things and I'm very sorry for that.

Anyways... Purple ya'll💜💜💜



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