Chapter 31

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Mortal Realm
"Jagi!" Jungkook yelled as you continued to walk to the bus stop, totally leaving them behind. You knew that you shouldn't be mad at them but you still did.

"Yah, what's the problem?" Jungkook asked as he frowned. He held your wrist tightly yet gently. You looked behind him and saw the others, specially Yoongi. You looked back at Jungkook, frowning.

"You wanna know? Then talk to your fucking brother." You said as you pulled your wrist back and continued to walk at the bus stop.

Jungkook's jaw clenched. He instantly ran in your direction and blocked your way.

"Seriously Jiyeon, what's the problem?" He asked softly.

"Look Kookie...nevermind." You said as you tried to walk past him.

"Please jagi, let's just talk," Jin said. You looked at Jin for a while. You sighed.

"Alright," You said as you glared at Yoongi who was glaring back.


You all sat on the grass of your school's garden.

"Ok, now talk," Jin said. You refused to say anything.

"Jagi, we won't be able to solve this problem if you're not going to talk," Namjoon said.

"Look, I shouldn't be the one talking right now." You said.

"Then who?" Hoseok asked.

"Why don't you ask that annoying brother of yours?" You asked

"Did you just called me annoying?" Yoongi suddenly spoke.

"Who told you that? Did I mentioned a name?" You said, trying to look innocent as possible.

"Fuck you," Yoongi said.

"Yoongi, your language," Jin said in a warning manner.

"Oh no Jinnie, let him be." You said.

"Would you just shut the fuck up?" Yoongi said.

"," You said.

"You all know what? This talk isn't going anywhere." You said as you started to walk away.


"Are you alright pancake? You look like you're ready to kill someone." Baekhyun asked as you all ate your food in the cafeteria.

The boys only looked at you worriedly.

"Oh, how could you tell?" You asked, gritting your teeth.

"You might break your chopsticks right now," Baekhyun said as he pointed at your hand which was gripping the poor chopsticks. You immediately put it down and drank your chocolate drink.

"Oh god, you're scary." Eunwoo and Jinjin said almost in unison.

"I'm finished." You said as you stood up.


It was almost dismissal and while your teacher was discussing something, your mind was wandering somewhere else.

Maybe I'm being too mean, I'm only angry with Yoongi but I kept on hating them too. I should apologize to them. And also with Yoongi, it's true though, he's just forced to be my boyfriend. Sure, the others like me but as for Yoongi, maybe I'm nothing. That's right, I should apologize.

You sadly sighed.

"Ok class, that's it for today." Finally, the teacher said. Everyone started to go out.

"Pancake, aren't you coming?" Eunwoo asked.

"Maybe not, Bambi." You said. Both Eunwoo and Baekhyun nodded and went out.

"Can we talk?" You asked the boys.

"Sure," Jimin smiled softly as he patted your head.

You all walked to the nearest cafè.

"What would you like, Ma'am?" The waiter asked.

"Eight cappuccino please," You said.

"Is that all, Ma'am?" He asked. You looked at the boys, they shook their head.

"Yes," You said.

"Alright, your drinks will be served after 5 minutes." He said and finally walked away.

After a few minutes, your drinks were finally served.

"I really want to apologize for my behavior earlier. I'm really sorry." You sighed as you looked down at your coffee.

"It's ok, we're glad that you're not mad anymore." Hoseok smiled at you.

"I also want to say sorry to Yoongi too. I'll make it up to you, don't worry." You said. You tried to smile at him genuinely.

"I hate how you're faking your smile at me." Yoongi glared at you. Your face instantly heated up.

"I'm sorry," You said.

Jin smacked Yoongi, causing the younger male to hiss.

"Hate is a strong word, Yoongi." Namjoon frowned.

"I know," Yoongi said before standing up. Soon, Yoongi was gone.

"Don't worry jagi, we'll talk to him," Jimin said as he held your hand.

"No, it's ok. I think he really hates me." You said as tears were threatening to fall from your eyes. The boys couldn't think of something to say to comfort you.

"Soon enough, he'll realize that your important to him so don't be sad," Taehyung said as he patted your head.

"I don't know..." You said as you sniffed. You wiped your tears with your hands.

"Jagi, don't cry," Jungkook said.

"I am---hic---trying." You hiccuped.

"Don't cry please..." Jimin said who was holding back his own tears.


You just finished washing the dishes and headed upstairs. While walking to your room, you saw Yoongi who just came out of their room.

You wanted to talk to him badly but you were too afraid that he'll be mad. You sighed as you continued to walk.

But as you walked past him, you turned around, only to meet his eyes.

"Goodnight, Yoongi." You said as you smiled at him softly. He didn't reply, he only looked at you with his expression unreadable.

You still smiled at and you took a deep breath before saying,

"I love you..."


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