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"there's someone new starting today. they'll be working in here in garden, so i think you should meet him considering you spend most of your time here." jimin sat with jeongguk underneath a tree in the peaceful garden. the birds could be heard singing and the sky was clear of any clouds. a nice breeze was blowing, tossling the boys' hair.

"what makes him so different from everyone else?" jeongguk let his head rest against the trunk of the tree, his eyes closed.

jimin scoffed, crossing his arms.

"besides you, of course. you're my favorite person here. i didn't think i had to point that out."

jimin smiled triumphantly. "he deserves a warm welcome. you're father definitely isn't going to do that, and you're the only other one of royalty here to do so. it's the least you can do."

jeongguk sighed. "fine. but i'm not 'warm.' you know that."


jeongguk eyed the man in front of him, taking in his presence. he was shorter than the prince, but his shoulders were a bit more broad, and had jet black hair, a strong difference compared to jeongguk's caramel brown locks. he was very handsome as well, jeongguk thought. his glossy skin shined just right in the natural light of the castle. he was dressed like the servants that resided in the castle; he wore a plain white button up and black pants that hugged him in all the right places.

"you look a lot younger than the other gardeners that have worked here in the past. they usually have years of experience."

the man frowned slightly. "your highness, my family owns a shop in the town, and i usually did most of the dirty work before i left. and, i don't mean to be rude, but someone doesn't have to be old in age to be better than others in a certain area." the shorter male's eyes trailed up and down jeongguk's body before his eyes landed back on jeongguk's glare.

jeongguk shrugged nonchalantly. "just saying. they're usually super old. how old are you anyways?"

"twenty, your highness."

smirking, he glanced at jimin who was standing a few feet away. he had joined the younger for moral support, of course. "you aren't that much older than me. i'll be eighteen soon. and i didn't catch your name."

"min yoongi, prince jeongguk." yoongi bowed slightly

"ah, welcome, yoongi. let's see how long you last."


"why does prince jeongguk act like i'm not going to be here very long?" jimin was showing yoongi around the servant's quarters. they were sitting in the main room, getting to know each other since they would essentially be living together. although he was the gardener, he would still be staying with the servants.

"he can be a bit of a handful at times." jimin scratched the back of his neck. "but he's had it hard, so take it easy on him. if you try to defy him, he'll just push right back. you'll probably see him quite a bit too, forewarning. the garden is his favorite place, ever."

yoongi hummed softly, picking at one of the buttons on his shirt. "thanks, and i think i can handle it. how long have you been here?"

"this year makes ten."

"woah," yoongi's eyes widened in surprise. he wasn't expecting that answer. "that's a long time."

jimin chuckled. "you're right, but i've enjoyed it. jeongguk's the closest friend i've ever had. it might seem like a crappy job, but he makes it enjoyable." he stood can patting yoongi's shoulder lightly. "hopefully you find your place as well."


yoongi was trimming a bush, crouched down on his knees. it was a sunny day with clear skies and a calm breeze. he hadn't had any terrible run-ins with the prince just yet, even though it had been a few days. the servants gave him pity stares, and he knew it was because of the warning jimin had given him. however, he knew he couldn't make the call on the kid until he had an encounter with the boy himself.

he clipped the final twig, pushing himself off the ground when he heard a yelp from across the garden. turning his head toward the sound, he looked around but saw nothing. yoongi picked up his bag made his way over when he saw the prince holding his index finger, his eyebrows furrowed. he was standing next to a rose bush, so he could only assume that the boy had pricked himself.

"um, your highness?" yoongi stepped a bit closer to jeongguk, holding his hands up as if he were approaching an injured animal.

"what?" jeongguk snapped, raising his head to look at the older.

"are you okay? did you cut yourself?" yoongi dropped his hand and instead held his bag closer to his side.

jeongguk huffed and blew his hair out of his face. "i'm fine. it's just a small cut." he removed his hand from his finger, and blood slowly trickled from the minor wound.

"i have some bandages here in my bag. i cut myself all the time while i'm working." yoongi started to reach inside, but jeongguk quickly retaliated.

"i don't need your help," he grumbled.

yoongi sighed, however, he still pulled the gauze out. "it doesn't hurt to accept some help every once in a while. even if it happens to be trivial."

stubbornly holding out his hand, jeongguk complied. "fine. hurry up, though. i'm meeting with my father soon."

yoongi quickly, but neatly, wrapped up jeongguk finger. "there you go, your highness. be more careful next time. you don't want your fingers to look like mine." he held up his hands for display, showing off his calloused fingers.

"i know how to take care of myself." he stormed off, leaving yoongi alone in the garden.


jeongguk sat on his bed, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as he was deep in thought. "who even is that yoongi guy? have you talked to him since he started working here?"

"yeah, a few times since we're living together. he seems nice. why do you ask?" jimin sat at the desk in jeongguk's room, he's head resting on the back of the chair.

"he seems pretty suspicious to me." jeongguk sat up straight and turned to face his friend.

"what happened?" jimin frowned, concerned for his best friend.

"i cut myself on a rose bush and he helped me. you don't just do that for someone you hardly know." he stood up and rummaged through his closet, searching for something nice to wear while speaking with his father.

jimin laughed and sat up. "jeonggukie, you can be friendly without knowing someone well. he's the gardener, and he was just being helpful. lighten up a bit."

jeongguk grumbled something inaudible to the other and finally chose something to wear. "i suppose i should get this over with, shouldn't i?"


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