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jeongguk slammed the door shut and leaned against it as if to keep the world out, holding his breath.

"uh, jeongguk? is something going on that i should know about?" jimin was lounging on his bed, a surprised look on his face at the sight of the prince.

shaking his head, jeongguk took a seat next to jimin. "everything is fine. nothing to worry about." he had managed to slip into jimin's room before yoongi caught sight of him, thankfully.

"you think i don't know when something's up after being your best friend for ten years?" jimin shifted so he was closer to him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. "what's going on?"

jeongguk sighed, knowing there was no avoiding jimin's kind nature. "remember that guy from the night of the party? well, it was yoongi. and he never bothered to tell me about it." he fiddled with his own fingers, a pout forming on his lips.

jimin rubbed jeongguk's back and took a deep breath. "why don't you try talking about it? with him. not with me because that will solve nothing. did you have a good time that night?"

"we're talking about it right now." jeongguk laughed softly, looking over at the other brunet. "but, yes. it was amazing, even though i had no clue who was behind that mask."

"then go figure things out. i'm sure he thinks the same."


yoongi sat underneath the camellia tree, waiting patiently. he knew this was a safe place for jeongguk. it's not like he was trying to trap the boy, though; jeongguk knew of yoongi's awareness of the younger's fondness for this area. so, yoongi was sure that he knew the former would be waiting, and if he was wanting to avoid him, he could do that exactly. and yoongi would be okay with that because yoongi would never make the boy do anything he didn't want to.

after waiting and waiting for what seemed like forever, the boy finally revealed himself. his hands were covering his face from embarrassment, but he peeked between his fingers to make sure yoongi was still there because all yoongi was doing was staring at him.

"yoongi, stop staring." he turned around, back facing the older.

he chuckled and stood up, dusting the dirt off his pants. "sorry." he gently turned jeongguk so he was facing him again. "will you please look at me?"

jeongguk peeked again, both of his sparking brown eyes teasing yoongi. "do we have to talk?"

"yes, sweetheart, we have to talk," yoongi spoke gently, taking hold of jeongguk's wrists and pulling them away. he heard the other whimper, and he wasn't sure if it was because of the fact they had to talk things out or the use of the pet-name.

"fine." jeongguk kept his gaze glued to the ground, his cheeks on fire. "i'm sorry i ran off again. that's all i know how to do." he sniffled, looking at one of yoongi's hands, which was still holding his wrist. "i've never had anyone i can go to."

"it's okay." yoongi ran his thumb across jeongguk's wrist. "and i'm sorry i didn't say something sooner. i should've, and that's not okay. it's not fair to you." he let his other hand slide down, just barely, so he could lock fingers with jeongguk.

jeongguk's lips twitched, barely. it still made yoongi's heart beat a little faster, proud he got a positive reaction from him. "yeah, s'not fair. you should make it up, hyung. have a real night out so i know it's the real you." he kept his head bowed, but looked up towards yoongi trough his eyelashes.

yoongi laughed silently, tugging jeongguk just a little closer. "you free tonight? i know the perfect place."


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