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"tell me again why i'm doing this?"

"well," taehyung started as he measured yoongi's waist, "you've been working hard lately, and i believe you should take a break at the party. i'll get you all fancied up with the perfect outfit. don't worry, i've got you covered."

"but, i work here. i'm not supposed to participate in these kinds of things," yoongi protested. however, he made no signs of moving as taehyung moved on to his shoulders.

taehyung chuckled. "you have nothing to worry about, yoongi. it's not like anyone will know other than me. it's a masquerade. no one will know it's you underneath your mask. i might have already let jimin in on the secret, but he won't spill."

"does jeongguk know i'm attending?" yoongi asked, raising his eyebrow.


"i guess, but-"

yoongi was cut off when the door was thrown open, a tall, handsome, brunet stepping inside. "hey, taehyung, i need-" jeongguk stopped mid-sentence once he saw the gardener in front of him. "oh. um, yoongi, what are you doing here?"

he was lucky taehyung let him keep his shirt on. "i- uh-"

"i'm sizing yoongi here for some new pants. said they're getting a little tight in the back from all the squats he's been doing." taehyung grinned, giving yoongi a light pat on the butt.

jeongguk's face flared red. "o-oh. well, have fun, then, i guess." he left, holding his gaze with yoongi for a bit longer than needed.

once the younger was gone, yoongi shoved taehyung, his eyes wide. "what was that for? i don't think i've ever done a proper squat in my life."


"you look quite handsome, son. taehyung did well."

taehyung thought jeongguk looked best in white. the brunet's pants were black and his upper half was decorated in all-white and silver embroidery, his arms covered with long sleeves. his mask matched the silver, covering the upper part of his face. it had what looked like small wings coming out from the side. it was simple, yet elegant.

"as always, father." jeongguk looked around at all the people in the ball room, seeing hundreds of people gathered in the grand room. he had never liked big crowds. however, in the end hoseok succeeded making the place look presentable. his eyes landed on one of the flower arrangements yoongi had put together. jeongguk smiled softly, thinking about when he had snuck out with the other to pick them out.

"what are you smiling about?" his father looked at him quizzically, leaning on his cane.

"just happy that this is happening. didn't expect it to be like this." jeongguk gave his father a tight lipped smile and quickly looked away, hoping he didn't see through him.

king jeon hummed softly. "maybe tonight we can find a nice girl for you to marry. you're nearing that age, and it's time to start thinking about those things. i've even had a few other kingdoms contact me."

jeongguk groaned softly, but didn't say anymore. he didn't want to bicker with his father tonight.

meanwhile, yoongi was standing with taehyung next to the wine table, holding a large glass of wine. he was dressed in all black, with gold detailing. his mask was also black, nothing too flashy.

"taehyung, nothing's happening. why did you make me come here?" yoongi pouted slightly, swishing the wine around in the glass.

"you're getting free wine, aren't you? and don't worry, yoongi. you won't be standing here much longer." the brunet patted his back and grinned cheekily.

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