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jeongguk examined the older man sitting in front of him. his hair was graying, and his once clear skin now had wrinkles. the man was sitting in his bed, clad in a slim robe and the blankets covering his legs.

"thanks for coming to see me, son." he smiled the best he could, but there wasn't much warmth in his eyes.

standing with his arms crossed and back straight, jeongguk said, "what do you want, father?"

king jeon sighed. "your birthday is approaching, and i would like to do something special. you're turning eighteen. that's taking on a lot of responsibility."

jeongguk looked down at his shoes. "you know i hate my birthday."

"yes, i'm aware of that. but i also want this party to be for your mother, if that makes any sense."

"that makes no sense! it seems like you're celebrating here death or something." jeongguk's face turned red with anger. "you're twisted, you know that? it's your fault she died and now you won't even let me leave this horrid place. you're unbelievable."

"i have good intentions. i didn't mean it that way son," his father tried to reason, but it didn't seem to work. "and i haven't let you leave because i'm trying to keep you safe. this word is dangerous."

"i wouldn't know would i? i have to experience it for myself at some point, and now would be a great time. i've only left a few times, and i can barely remember what it was like." jeongguk turned to leave, letting his hand rest on the door handle.

"you're still so immature. i don't think you could handle it."


hoseok clapped his hands together, a wide smiles spread across his face. "thanks for meeting with me today. prince jeongguk's birthday is coming up, and i want to make it special. therefore, i need your help to do so." he looked around at the men surrounding him in the library. it was their most common and comfortable meeting place. jimin, namjoon, taehyung, and seokjin stared back at him, obviously confused.

jimin was the first to speak. "um, hoseok-hyung. jeongguk hates his birthday. you know that."

"you don't think i know that?" hoseok crosses his arms defensively. "i received direct orders from the king to plan this party, so i obviously have to follow through. also, it's his eighteenth, so we have to go all out. we'll make it his best yet."

"i don't think it'll be hard to top all the others," taehyung mumbled.

"okay, okay, no need to be negative. taehyung, you'll plan his outfit for the night, of course. make sure it's something that makes him stand out from the rest. seokjin-hyung, make sure you prepare all of his favorite meals." the men nodded in response, knowing it wouldn't be too difficult. "if you would, jimin, please held me with the extra planning. you know the prince better than anyone else here. also, i think you'd be best with decorations."

jimin's face lit up. "i'd love to! also, the new gardener, i'm sure he'd be able to find some lovely flowers for that evening. he's kind and nice to be around. i'm sure he'd be glad to help."

hoseok grinned. "sounds great!"

"what do you need me to do?" namjoon looked up at hoseok from his chair hopefully.

"um," hoseok scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "i'm sure we'll find something for you, namjoon."


"why do i have to do this? it's ridiculous."

jeongguk stood on the small platform as taehyung measured his waist. he was only in his underwear so the older could get accurate measurements.

"hoseok received direct orders from your father, your highness. you know he can't just ignore him." taehyung stepped away and looked up at jeongguk. "i promise we'll make it memorable."

"fine." jeongguk complied as he watched taehyung move onto his arms. "have you met the gardener? yoongi?"

taehyung pulled away once more, writng down numbers on his paper. "not yet. jimin has told me a bit about him, though. he's supposed to be helping with decorations for the party."

jeongguk hummed. "how so?"

"well, he is the gardener after all. so, he's going to get some flowers and other plants."

"where-" jeongguk was cut off when the door to the fitting room was open, and speak of the devil, yoongi stepped in. he was looking at the ground, not realizing what was going on. when he finally did, he froze, his eyes wide and cheeks flushed.

"um, s-sorry, your highness. wrong room." however, he made no sign of moving. he was staring at jeongguk's chest.

jeongguk coughed while glaring, breaking yoongi from his trance. "yoongi, you can go now."

"yes, so sorry, prince jeongguk." yoongi stumbled out of the room and accidentally slammed the door behind him.

taehyung giggled once the ravenette was out of sight. "someone has a crush on you."

jeongguk slapped the brunet's shoulder as his ears turned red from embarrasment. "stop it! that's not funny."

"he is quite handsome." taehyung rubbed his chin thoughfully. "what do you thing of him, your highness?"

jeongguk rolled his eyes. "i've spoken to him, maybe once. i can't say much."

taehyung smirked. "i don't believe it. he spends most of his time in the place you love most. i think you two will get to know each other plenty."


jeongguk laid underneath the camellia tree, staring up at the flowers that rested on the branches. he was frustrated with his father for having this so-called party, and even more so with his friends for going through with it. he's never been truly happy on his birthday, considering his mother was hardly ever with him to celebrate. it was depressing to look back on.

"your highness?"

said boy lifted his head, his eyes landing on the gardener at his feet. "yes?"

"it's nearing dinner time, shouldn't you be heading inside?" yoongi shouldered his bag, dusting his hands on his pants.

jeongguk sat up on his elbows. he jutted out his chin, as if it would make him seem more dominant. "why's it matter? not like anyone's gonna miss me."

yoongi laughed. "you're the prince, of course someone will notice."

humming, jeongguk sat up fully. he liked the sound of yoongi's laugh. he wanted to hear it again and again. "where are you going?"

"i'm leaving the castle to-" yoongi didn't even get to finish his sentence because jeongguk had already leaped from the ground and was clinging to his arm.

"can i go with you? hyung, can i go with with you, please?" jeongguk stared with hope and excitement in his eyes before he realized what he was doing. he stepped away quickly and said, "i'm sorry, i'm so stupid."

"why? i'm sure it wouldn't hurt for you to tag along. i'm just picking up some flowers for your party." yoongi smiled warmly.

jeongguk looked from the ground and into yoongi's dark eyes. "really? it's okay?" a small smile started to form on his face.

"of course, your highness. you just have to behave and act like a normal teenager. not like the bratty one you are here."


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