Chapter 26: It was just meant to be a Walk

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Bonnie's POV

"Why are humans so slow at walking?" Koda groaned pulling at his lead. I chuckled to myself as I walked at Lewis's side not wanted to pull him due to his recently healed leg.

"Koda stop pulling! We will get there when we get there" Duncan moaned pulling back on the husky's lead, causing Koda to yank back. I rolled my eyes, "If you didn't pull he wouldn't need to yank you back" I said cheekily which earned me a look from Koda's crystal eyes, "My ancestors pulled medical sledges across the snow". I huffed, "Well my ancestors where and still are the best herders in the dog world and you don't see me complaining and your in Bristol not Alaska".

Lewis's POV

"They look like they are having a little argument" I laughed watching Bonnie and Koda walking side by side. Duncan tutted rolling his shoulder, "I hope Bonnie is telling Koda to stop pulling, I think I might end up loosing my shoulder joint". Chuckling we crossed the road and into the park, it was the same park that we used for the WatchDogs parody and where I scared Simon shitless with the Granny Bacon prosthetic face, that was great fun.

"Okay you two be careful and don't run off too far" I instructed unclipping Bonnie's lead. She sat in front of me for a while looking up at me her tail wagging, "What are you waiting for? Off you go!" I smiled to which she turned and ran after Koda.

Bonnie's POV

"You can't catch me!" I barked happily as Koda ran after me. "Hey speedy I'm build for endurance not speed!" Koda panted struggling to keep up with me as I jumped back and forth. He gave up and stood panting his tongue hanging out his mouth. I slowly walking up to him, worried about his frantic panting, and well.... big mistake he pounced on me and I lay on my back as he pinned me down.

"You always fall for this, your too much of a softy" Koda cooed kissing my muzzle. Blushing I kicked him off and jumped on his shoulders taking a quick nip at his ear before running off again passing Lewis and Duncan as they sat on a bench talking to a few fans who had walked up to them.

Koda's POV

She was certainly something, I ran after her watching as her tail wagged back and forth, I was one luckily dog to have a bitch like her. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that she had stopped causing me to run right into her, "Oww" I moaned looked at Bonnie who stood completely still, her eyes fixed on something in the difference.

"Bon? What is it?" I questioned walking up to her face.

"It's her....." She mumbled her odd eyes not moving from a girl who was probably about 16 and she was surrounded by a group of four guys, they looked like a proper hard gang, well wannabees.

"Bon?" I questioned her but she still didn't move a muscle.

The girl must have heard me whimper to Bonnie's as now stared directly at us her eyes wide with recognition.

Bonnie's POV

I couldn't move, I was frozen in fear, she had beaten me, chucked me away like an old toy. She looked at me and walked over with her group, "Mutt!! OMG!! It's you!!" She said sarcasm in her voice, "Famous now aren't we, a wonder dog! The Yogscast's Dog" She chuckled her group joining in the fake laughter.

"Such a pretty face, shame if something happened....". I couldn't react as Koda jumped in front of me growling menacingly at the group. The girl jumped back nearly falling off her feel, "You little shit!" She swore but then her frown turned to a laugh as she kicked Koda in his chest knocking the wind out his lungs. "KODA!"

Koda's POV

I coughed as she continued to kick and kick and kick, her gang joining in on the assault. Falling to my side I lay defenceless as I heard my ribs crack and break. I seen Bonnie in my line of sight, the group were finished with me so they now walked towards her, hate in their eyes. As my vision blurred I was able to catch her eyes, using the last of my strength I mouthed to her... "Run"

Bonnie's POV


I turned and hightailed it out of there tears streaming down my face, I needed to find Lewis and Duncan.

I found them with a small crowd around them but I barged in, ignoring the 'Awwwww's of the crowd. "Bonnie what is it?" Lewis asked looking down at me.

Lewis's POV

I could tell something wasn't right as Bonnie came back without Koda, she looked at me with the look I recognised from the fire, then as quickly as she came she ran off again, "Dunc something isn't right" I said pushing though the group then running after Bonnie.

"Lewis wait up!" Duncan called saying his goodbyes.

Following Bonnie I turned a corner to see an unforgettable sight. There on the concrete path lay Koda, his fur ruffled, eyes shut and fresh blood covering his muzzle, his chest moving slowly with weakened breaths.

"Oh shit!" I swore looking at Bonnie who lay next to the broken husky, her head on his shoulder and her eyes full of hurt and pain. Duncan came around the corner and I watched as the tears filled his blue eyes, "Koda..... Koda......" He mumbled before running up to the Husky and placing his hand on Koda's chest, then he looked at me the tears beginning to fall. I pulled out my phone and frantically looked through the contacts....

"Hello, Bristol Veterinary Practice Emergency line how can I help?"

Authors Note

Please don't hate me.....

You wanted drama a give you drama!

The awesome fan art in the media is a piece by @MissMilk-Stache

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I read every single comment and I'm working now to try to reply to those needing a reply.


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