Chapter 27: Back Again...

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Lewis’s POV

Sitting in the waiting area of the vets it was like a flash back to Bonnie in the vets after the Insomnia fire, but this time Bonnie lay at my feet whimpering quietly and Duncan sat at my side his head in his hands. There were other people in the waiting room and many of them gave us funny looks as we had been sitting there for hours and there were a couple of teenagers giggling away in the corner of the room, with their chihuahua which growled at Bonnie but she took not notice of it. Even through we had been here for hours we hadn't heard much from vet about Koda’s condition, but it didn't look good.  Every so often the phone at the main desk would ring and receptionist would answer it; she look over the desk at us then look back at the computer, she couldn't have made it more obvious that it was about Koda, even if it was plastered over her head. 

“I wish they would just tell us!” Duncan groaned looking up, his eyes red and puffy. 

“So do I Dunc…”, I answered rubbing his back. "I just wish Bonnie could speak so she could tell us who did this, I heard the nurses talking about reporting it to the RSPCA" 

Bonnie’s POV

It was my fault, all my fault. I should have run, as soon as I seen that witch I should have ran for the hills, but I didn’t, and now Koda was paying the price for me being a coward. He was back there with the beeping and the pain. I looked up to Lewis and Duncan whining softy to them, Lewis stroked my head and sighed deeply, I could tell he was stressed and that was never good, Lewis was rubbish with stress. 

“Mr Jones?”

I looked up at the vet and he kindly smiled at me as he led the three of us into one of the consultation rooms. As soon as the door clicked shut Duncan exploded with questions, “How is Koda? Is he okay? When can I see him? Can he come home?”

The vet lifted his hand to stop Duncan as he rambled on, “Mr Jones, please calm down and let me talk about Koda”, Duncan stopped and slumped down on one of the chairs in the room, I walked up to him and placed my head on his knee. 

“The assault has broken five of his ribs and he has extensive bruising on his lungs, he is currently on an IV drip which is allowing painkillers into his blood stream. We would like to get him home ASAP and let him recover at home as it will do him no good to stay in the kennel. However he will need an area where a large padded bed can be placed and water bowl close by, as he will find it difficult to move, One of the nurses will do regular home checks to make sure he is okay” the vet summarised to Duncan’s relief. The vet smiled and stroked my head gently, “I’m sure Bonnie here will be close at hand to act as nurse as well”. I barked lightly making Duncan smile. Lewis called me to his side and we went home knowing that Koda was getting home to recover.

Koda’s POV

Every breath was like breathing in steam, my lungs burning. No matter what side I lay on the intense pain in chest persisted. “You alright boy? Your going home” a nurse smiled at me kindly, she had done everything in her power to make me as comfortable and she couldn't have been nicer. Slowly she helped me to my paws and held me close to her body as the vet removed the IV catheter from my forepaw, “Keep him still Becca” the vet instructed the nurse who took a stronger hug like grip on me, it was soothing, I wasn't going to fight back but her tenderness really calmed me down. The other nurses hadn't been anywhere as nice to me as she had. It was like she really did care about how I felt. 

“Good boy” she cooed to me as she bandaged my leg carefully, “I’ll give you a blue bandage so it matches those eyes of yours” she chuckled placing my newly bandaged leg on the floor. She then picked up my lead and led me slowly to the admission/discharge room, “Now let’s go give you back to your daddy”.

Authors Note

Here is a slightly shorter chapter and sorry for the detail in the vet bit. And yea the nurse is based off me... I am actually like that with animals that come into practice and the Veterinary Surgeons think its cute when I talk to the patients like people, and the owners really appreciate it. I'm currently into my 5th week of my Veterinary Nursing Degree and loving it, so thought a bit of detail would make it more interesting to read. 

Hope this was okay….

And yea there will probally be a bit of a fan girl moment when she gives Koda back to Duncan.

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