Chapter 1- The Shadows.

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You know that creeping sensation the floats up your back. The feeling that you are being followed or even watched. That's us! We live in the shadows. Counting every second until someone, anyone, notices. I hate it here. Its almost as if we don't exist.

Well technically we don't.

'Shut up and get out of my mind. If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it' I screamed internally. It was my best friend, my worst enemy. Both pure darkness and light in one. Leah!

You know you love me... Really!?

'Yeah, i guess so, well who couldn't love a temperamental know it all with mood swings every five seconds. Seriously Leah, you're giving me whiplash. Cut it out. Or i will!' I retorted.

Fine I will but you will have to talk to me.... Now

'Fine, if it means you will stop creating that racket that you call speech in my head. I'm only human you know!' I retaliated.

Well technically that's not true, we walk in the shadows unnoticed and unnamed by the innocent bystanders known as mortals go on about their daily lives. It sickens me, to be truthful. They are soo oblivious to their surroundings that they can just live. I wish I could and so does Leah, but she would never admit it.

'HiyaHope! How's it going. Now be truthful otherwise i will know.' Announced Leah.

Honestly, that's the problem with our kind. We know everything. Even the simplest of emotions give us away. We read any situation and automatically know what's up or if someone's being a lying son of a... Well you know what I mean. Its just so frustrating. Good thing I'm out of here in a few days. I'm almost 15 so I can join the human world. Experience things at face value (providing I can control the voices floating around in my head, all of which are trying to get noticed).

'Everything's fine Leah. I'm just nervous' I stammered. 'Its nearly my time and I don't know what I am going to choose'

'It will be fine. You always are. The weeks will fly by and you will be back in no time' her optimisim always gets me.

'The thing is Leah, I don't think that's true' I doubt that's true.

A/N what do you think? Is it interesting enough? Doubt it but I will prevail. Yep that's what I will do. :) see ya!

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