My Roommate's A Murderer

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Prompt: Remember when Corey Scherer pranked Colby  with the "MURDERED MY GIRLFRIEND PRANK"? What if Corey actually did kill Devyn and went to Colby for help but reacted violently when Colby tries to call the cops?


After receiving a frantic phone call from roommate Corey, Colby rushes home to see what all the commotion is about. He's not too nervous, he figures Corey's just gonna tell him he broke something or ask for help with writing a video script. He really doesn't suspect a thing. 

Which is what makes it all the more alarming at what happens when he enters their house.

"Corey?" He calls out, approaching his friends bedroom door. It's quiet so he knocks on the bedroom door, receiving a quick and rushed, "COME IN! Come in."

Pushing open the door, Colby enters the bedroom, seeing a crazed Corey pacing around his room. "What do I do? What do I do?" He says, one arm pointed to his bed. 

"What happened?" Colby asks carefully, entering the main bedroom. 

"What do I do?" Corey repeats urgently, gesturing to his bed as his voice grows louder. Colby doesn't even have time to register the blood smeared across his arms and face when he turns and sees an actual bloodbath covering Corey's bed.

Needless to say, he's shocked. 

"Is that blood?" Is all Colby can think to say, eyes wide as he slowly approaches the bed. What the actual hell is going on, why is there blood everywhere and why is Corey so... crazed?

"YES. Shh, stop," Corey demands, as Colby tries to approach the bed further. 

"Wait, no-"

"No, no, no, no, no,"  Corey says, approaching Colby and trying to get his roommate to back off. "You cannot tell anybody."

"What the f-why is there blood on the bed?! What happened?" Colby cries, voice raising in fear and confusion as he demands answers.

"Stop yelling, stop yelling, stop yelling."

"What happened?" Colby insists.

"You cannot tell anybody."

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Colby keeps repeating, irritated his question hasn't been answered yet. "What-are you okay?"

"Yea, yea, no I'm fine," Corey stutters, looking down at his arms streaked with blood. "It's Devyn."

"Okay, well-let's call 911." 

"No, no, no, no, no," Corey immediately backtracks, taking a wide stride to Colby, arms out like he's ready to stop him. 

"Is anybody home?" Colby asks.

"No, no, I don't know," Corey responds, continuing to pace as he faces Colby. "You cannot tell anyone, you hear me?"

"Wha-" Colby cuts himself off, running his hands over his face as he tiredly tries to come up with some way to fix this. 

"Come here," Corey demands, approaching the bed and gesturing Colby along with him. Colby is, of course hesitant but he follows behind, somewhat keeping his distance as he stares in horror at the scene. 


"We were just arguing and it was-everything was fine and then, like one thing led to another and she pushed me and then I pushed her and then I just blacked out-"

"Okay-okay, dude we have to call  911-"

"Shut your mouth-"

"We have to call 911!" Colby insists. "I'm serious!"

Are You Okay? // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now