Guns for Hands

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Prompt: Whilst touring around America on their tour, Sam and Colby are confronted by an angry "fan" in a meet and greet, who has a rather intense vendetta against Colby. 

Colby exhales and turns to Sam, who's sitting next to him on the couch in the tour bus. They're on their way to Anaheim for the next leg of their tour and frankly, he's bored as shit. At the beginning of the drive, he and Sam had a half-hearted conversation before they each drifted off and turned their attention to other things, like their laptops/phones. And Colby was okay with it. I mean, he too was uninterested enough to turn to Instagram but now, he's kinda lonely (despite the fact that Sam is sitting next to him) and bored. He wants a breath of fresh air, he wants to go for a walk, he feels so stiff and tired being cramped up in the tour bus for hours at a time. 

He's snapped out of his thoughts when he feels the tour bus come to a halt. Colby looks up, hopes held high when the driver shouts, "We're here!" 

Excited, Colby springs up from the couch and stretches, relieved yet also kind of tired as he rushes to the exit. Grabbing his phone, he leaves the bus and inhales the fresh air all around him, looking around at the hotel in front of them. Going to the back of the bus, Colby grabs his suitcase and heads into the hotel, where the driver is already signing them into their rooms. 

Sam follows close behind and snickers at how rushed Colby is to get to their room. "Excited much, huh bro?" Sam jokes.

Colby smiles, looking down. "Guess I just got a little bit car sick, y'know?"

Sam nods sympathetically. "I feel you, bro."

Colby looks down when their driver, Dave, comes up to them with their room keys. He hands a card to each of them and claps them on the back, reminding them that their concert starts in a couple of hours and he'll be back to pick them both up. Sam and Colby nod along and say bye before giddily heading up to their hotel room, ready to meet their Anaheim fans in a few hours.


After the show, Colby and Sam head out to the meet and greet area, as instructed by the crew. As soon as they step out from the curtain, the sea of fans start screaming and cheering. Sam and Colby instantly start glowing with sincere smiles on their faces as they wave to everyone and head towards the backdrop positioned nearby. The crowd gets quieter but they both can still feel the excitement radiating off of everyone.

Soon, the meet and greet begins. Security stands nearby and they all conduct the fans for the meet and greet, all of whom are super sweet and keep complimenting Sam and Colby. They both try as much as they can to keep up a conversation with each fan but with the timing, it ends up only a thirty second conversation until the photo is taken and they're ushered away.

The process goes smoothly for the first hour until a man is gestured forward. The first red flag is how solemn and neutral he looks, instead of happy and excited like the rest of them. The second thing is the way his hand twitches and hovers over his waistband, not to mention the fact that he looks to be in his thirties.

"Wassup, man!" Sam greets cheerily as the man approaches. He cracks an all too fake smile and simply turns to Colby, his expression too close to a glare for Colby's liking. 

Colby gulps. "Hey, man, how you doing?"

The man just stares at Colby. "My girlfriend's in love with you," He spits simply. 

Colby's taken aback and he finds himself at a loss for words. What the hell is he supposed to say to that? "Oh, uh..." he trails off.

"She keeps telling me all about you," He continues. "She even threatened to break up with me cuz she thinks it'll give her more of a chance with you."

Are You Okay? // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now