Trespassing Leaves A Price To Pay

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Prompt: After exploring an abandoned hospital for a new Sam and Colby video, Sam and Colby stumble across what they think is an abandoned cottage in the woods and decide to trespass onto it and go looking. However, it's both inhabited and by someone who takes precautions for their land.

"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby!" Colby announces. "And welcome back to our channel! Today we are going to be exploring an abandoned hospital in the middle of freaking nowhere, surrounded by this, like, huge forest." He makes a big gesture with his hands, and Sam smiles at his goofiness.

"Yeah, so today, Colby and I are gonna be exploring this giant hospital that, like he said, is in the middle of this huge forest and there's really no one nearby for like a ten mile radius. So, we should be in the clear for this one, hopefully." Sam says with a giddy grin, turning to Colby. In response, Colby does a thumbs up and bares his teeth in an awkward smile, glancing around nervously. 

"But there's just this, like, neighbourhood behind us and once we get into the forest area, we should be fine." Sam begins once more, peering around. "This place is called Northshore Community Hospital, it's basically just a really old hospital that's been abandoned and ransacked for a really, really long time. We got this place recommended again by a friend, soo..."

"Without further ado," Colby interrupts, getting up close to the camera, his eyes comically wide. "let's-a-go."

After filming and exploring the abandoned hospital...

"I'm exhausted." Sam admits, wiping his eyes. He yawns and finds himself walking somewhat slanted, beat from their long and strenuous day of exploring.

"I'm alright," Colby says with a smile. "Hey, it's still light out. I think it's like, what, three in the afternoon? We left pretty early, but I could go for another round. Whoa, wait," Colby shoots his arm out, stopping Sam in his tracks as he squints out at the forest ahead. "Is-is that a house?" He whispers, using his free hand to point to a barely visible building out within the forest. "I think that's a house. We should go check it out for like, a bonus vlog on the Sam and Colby channel."

"Dude-" Sam turns to Colby incredulously. "Do you really wanna go to a cabin in the woods? A cabin in the woods?"

Colby pauses for a second, lowering his arm from Sam. "Yeah but it's probably abandoned, I mean, who in their right mind would wanna live in the middle of a forest right next to a creepy-ass abandoned hospital? It's gotta be abandoned, dude. Come on, it'll be fine. I just wanna get a look at the house, is all. We don't have to film anything, I just wanna see it."

Sam turns to Colby, hesitantly and slightly nervous. "Okay fine. Just a look and then we leave. Seriously, dude, don't stall."

Colby gives Sam a breezy look before shrugging. "It'll be fine, dude, seriously. Just a look."

With the camera in hand, Colby takes the lead (mostly since Sam is still hesitant and follows behind only because he has to), heading directly into the forest as Sam slowly follows behind, somewhat scared as they approach the foreboding cabin. Usually, he doesn't feel as strongly about something as he does now but he has a really bad feeling about the cabin. Something about it feels dangerous and Sam doesn't want this to end in a cop chase, a jail cell or a non-abandoned hospital visit. And yet, he has this nauseating gut feeling that it'll end badly. 

"C-Colby," He squeaks out suddenly, gaining the attention of his brown-haired friend, who stops and turns around. 

"Yeah?" Colby answers.

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