Strike One

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Prompt: In TFIL's video 'DESTROYS HIS OWN LAPTOP PRANK! (Gets REALLY Angry)' Elton, with help from the rest of the traphouse, prank Corey by having him smash a fake laptop as if it was his own. What if something went wrong in the middle of it, resulting in an ambulance?

"Stand back, and let him see if he can do it with a running start," Elton says, smiling mischievously at the blindfolded Corey holding a kids bat in his hands. He has to physically stop himself from rubbing his hands together, like a villain watching his master plan unravel.

"Oh, okay," Is all Corey says, bending his knees as he squats down to take his first strike. His entire face is basically wrapped in a black towel, which means there's no way he can see anything. And that, curtesy of Elton, ends up as exactly the cherry on top of the whole prank. 

"Step him back there, step him back there," Elton instructs, gesturing towards the back of the backyard as Jay gently pulls Corey towards the far end, positioning him appropriately for the prank to really get kicking. "Like bring him over..." 

"We good? Okay, stop," Jay lets go of Corey, who's now facing the bushes of their yard, still in his stance as he awaits his turn to destroy what he thinks is the piñata. 

"Go ahead, spin him around like, thirty times," Elton says with a grin, taking the piñata off the pole as he prepares to hang the fake laptop up. "Cuz, apparently he's super good at this."

As Jay spins Corey around, counting along with it, Elton takes the laptop already secured with cables and hangs it on the pole Aaron's carrying. 

"Okay, that's enough!" Corey says, trying to stop Jay from spinning him anymore. To him it seems quite repetitive and unnecessary at this point, yet still there are no red flags. He'd expect his friends to mess with him like this on the daily so nothing's out of the ordinary.

"No, no, keep going," Elton argues, buying himself time as he hangs up the laptop, carefully securing it. "Keep going!" He attaches the hook to the pole and ducks out, finished hanging the laptop. Everyone remains as impassive as they can be, trying not to giggle or indicate anything is awry. As far as Corey's concerned, he's about to beat the shit out of a Frozen piñata. 

"Nine, ten-you're good!" Jay announces, spinning Corey around so he's facing the right way. "Okay."

Now dizzy, disoriented and confused, Corey attempts to find his footing. "Where do I go?" He asks, his senses unbalanced as he doesn't have good depth perception with the blindfold on.

"You're gonna go straight ahead," Jay instructs, to which Corey heads straight forward to him, which in reality, is towards the side of the house. "Nope, nope, the other straight." He gets Corey on the right path and Elton heads over to them to position his victim accordingly.

"Alright come on, bring him in." He instructs as Jay leads Corey towards the suspended computer. "Alright Mr. Bigshot, let's see if you can get it in one swing." 

"Okay," Corey says, somewhat hesitant as he draws the bat back, ready to swing it. 

"Come on, get it," Elton says excitedly, clapping as Corey tries to assimilate with his surroundings. 

"Is it-is it right here?" Corey points his bat forward and waves it through the air where he assumes the piñata is. 

"It's right between-it's exactly-you saw where everyone else had it, it's in the exact same range," Elton answers, despite the fact that the laptop is hanging way above Corey for the first of the parts of their prank.

Corey nods somewhat and leans forward, putting everything into it as he swings the bat through the air, only to be met with nothing. 

"Whoa!" Colby and a few others shout, impressed at Corey's strength.

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