2• "Glade Rules,"

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"Newt's POV"

I climbed up the ladder and looked at the girl.She looked confused but determined.

"What do you want?"She asked me,her voice strong and clear.

I held up both of my arms in the surrender position,and said "I just want to explain everything" I replied.

She nodded and lowered the knife."Where am I?" She burst out,"Who are you?"What is this place?" She asked speaking quickly.

"My name's Newt as you already know,and you're in the Glade" I calmly replied back.

She sat down taking what I said to her in.I decided to speak again "Are you hungry greenie?" I asked,smiling kindly at her.She nodded and said "Its Ashley" She whispered quietly,looking down at the floor,"Well,thats a lovely name for a lovely girl" I said,winking at her. Ashley blushed and looked away.

"Well,you wanna come and eat then?" I asked her again."Yes" Ashley replied quietly.I stood up and Ashley copied me.We climbed down the ladder where Alby was waiting for us.

"Ashley's POV"

Newt and I climbed down.I was exhausted,all the fight in me had left and it forgot to take exhaustion with it.I glanced at Newt and quickly looked away.

Newt was very attractive.He had blonde hair and tanned skin,soft brown eyes and a killer smile.He looked like a good person to be friends with."Wait,why did I just think he was attractive again?We just met for bloody sakes!!" I screamed at myself in my head.Then I saw Newt and a dark skinned boy staring at me.

"Whoops,sorry I must've zoned out" I awkwardly apologized."Its ok greenie" Newt said,smiling at me."This is Alby by the way" Newt introduced us.I got the feeling that this guy in front of me was a leader of some sort, from the way he stood.Alby just glanced at me and told to Newt to show me around.

Newt and I had only walked a few steps before my head started feeling heavy.I tried to shake it off but spots were starting to appear in my vision.

"Woah,calm down there greenbean" Newt said,looking at me concerned.I couldn't breath,it was as if there was someone squeezing my chest tighter and tighter until I was left with no air.

I started panicking and I felt faint.A few Gladers had come near me and just stood there and watched me,not knowing what to do.I panicked more and black spots appeared in my vision.

"Someone get the bloody Med-Jacks" Newt shouted,never taking his eyes off of me."Whats happening to her?" Someone from the crowd asked."She's having a bloody panic attack" Newt answered.

He then began speaking to me in a calm voice."Hey Greenie,its alright.We've all experienced this before.So just calm down and take a few big deep breaths" Newt said.I tried doing what he said but I got fainter and fainter until the world suddenly turned black.

AN:Well that is Part 2 and I will update sooner or later!!

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