Thoughts and Shit I've Said

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"I wanted to feel pain because I didn't think I could feel anything else."


"He knew he needed someone to help him through this. But he also knew no one would."


"I had held it in for so long I guess I forgot how to let it out again."


"Emotions come and go as they please, whether they're invited or not."


"It's hard to see the good in things when everything you know is bad."


"All scars last forever. It's just a matter of whether or not you can still feel them."


"I don't want to be okay right now."


"Living takes effort. And that's effort I just don't have."


"Just because the world isn't fair, it doesn't mean we have to be, too."


"Everyone is smarter than you at something."


"I have the willpower of a leaf in a thunderstorm."

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