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[WORD COUNT: 4481!]


'in your hesitation
I found my answer'
— Unknown

Your head was hung heavy as you finally dragged your feet down the halls of college. Maybe going to the party wasn't such a good idea, as nothing good did come out of it. Non the less you were glad to be out of your apartment on Campus, having had not much entertainment in the walls of your temperate home. Your hair was pulled up into a messy bun as you finally reached your first class off the day, the seams of your fine strands being the first thing to get on your nerves.

Before taking a seat, you met your brothers eyes, taking a deep breath as he came over to you. "You look rough" he raised his brows, doing a one over on you with his eyes.

"Jee, thanks" you remarked sarcastically, "Look I know you know I went to that stupid party but come on give me a break" you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose tightly.

"I know you went, and i'm okay with that, but taking Peter? Really?" he asked, hoisitng your head back up.

"H-How did you-"

"What you really think Peter can keep a secret?" he tinted one brow upwards. You shrugged, sitting down in the seat behind you.

"What's the big deal anyway? Peter's been to party's before?"

"Yeah, but not like that one"

"What are you even getting at, Ned? He didn't drink or do anything stupid so why, on a Monday morning, are you being such a bitch?" you snarled, letting your bag straps fall off of your arms and hit the floor, shoving it under your desk with your feet.

"I'm sorry, yeah your right" he sighed, moving off back to MJ who was stood in the corner with Liz. Which was a strange sight to see.

The bell sounded out and soon the class was rolling in quickly, Peter being the last one to take his seat. He was red faced and out of breath as he sat down beside you, pulling out his books. You inclined over moderately, keeping your eyes locked on Mr. Haywood as he continued to write the new date on the board.

"So are you running marathons before school, now?" you asked, sitting back in your chair, tapping your foot against the cold marble floor as you waited for his answer.

"What? Oh, no, I missed the bus"

"You never take the bus, you live like a block away" you quizzed, brows knitting together. Peter stayed silent, flicking through his book to find a fresh page. You blew it off, sitting back to face the front of the class and listening in on your instructed work. You flicked open the text book to the correct page, your fingers feeling a little sticky from the building hormones. You could feel you were ready to start your cycle again soon, which meant no good for the people around you: you were a desperate pain when you were on. You took a deep breath, massaging your eyes with the numbs of your cold fingers, trying to wrack your brain in to some kind of wakened state. Passing the gas station this morning you could have grabbed a coffee, now you were regretting deciding against it.

"Hey, wanna partner up?" A hand nudged your shoulder, knocking your chin out of the palm of your hand jolting your eyes back wide open. You turned to see Peter with a mellowed smile on his cheeks before browsing your eyes back to the board where the task at hand was laid out in white chalk. You nodded humbly, collecting your scattered sheets from last weeks work and tucked them in your book, running a hand through your hair, pushing it away from your eyes. As you were dismissed into your groups, Peter nudged his chair towards your single desk, rolling out his work booklet looking fresher than a summer breeze. "How are you so awake? Are you immune to hang overs?" you gave a lazy smile, pulling a pen from your inside pocket.

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