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'i had all and then most of you some and now non on you'

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'i had all and then most of you some and now non on you'



Peter had you sit at his side at the large dinner table, your nerves still completely haywire. Just glancing upright you could see Steve Rogers, the Captain America was sitting right before you looking down at a display of  sheets, and sitting opposite him was Bruce Banner, the genius scientist. You were sitting at a table with some of New Yorks most respected super hero's, not to mention Peter, the youngest of them all. And yet all the more powerful.

Peter squeezed your hand gently as if signalling to let go. You'd had his palm captured in yours for around ten minutes now and it was beginning to sweat. You looked over at him apologetically, to which he reached over and gave you a light peck on the lips.

"So," Tony's voice cleared the air making you jump as he placed your plates down on the table, "how did you two meet?"

The fact that he had started with such a question made your stomach tighten. You and Peter hadn't exactly started with a... Normal friendship.

"We met through some friends," Peter chirped, digging into his breakfast, "was it sophomore or senior year?"

"Uh, Sophomore" you smiled. Luckily Peter was playing this off a lot cooler than you were, which gave you only slight confidence to speak up a little. Of course, the majority of what you were saying was a lie, you and Peter had actually met in kindergarten, which now you weren't sure if lying was just overcomplicating things. "We were buddies in chemistry"

"Certainly nailed that subject then" Steve chuckled, looking up from his papers, "you two got to good"

A blush rose to your cheeks, swallowing feeling your lips turning dry. You decided to distract yourself with the food sitting in front of you. Peter and Tony had continued talking for a while, while you sat in silence and stared down at your plate. Admittedly you felt a little out of place, you weren't really adapted to join the conversation, as it had led into the works of the Avengers and all things you didn't really understand.

You couldn't complain though. You liked sitting and listening in, you didn't need to contribute. Peter was happy with you by his side no matter what.

Once breakfast was over, Banner and Rogers had left the table, leaving just you, Peter and Tony sitting, adding bits and pieces into the conversation. Tony had shown you a side that you certainly hadn't expected. He was much more laid back than what the press had accentuated. You also saw the vulnerable soft side he had for Peter. The way he looked at him, it was like he knew Peter from top to bottom, could read him like a book.

"Oh, while we're not doing anything important, I need to show you something" Tony nudged Peter lightly on the shoulder, pushing his chair back and standing up at the table, "feel free to join us Y/N, I might need a ladies opinion" he smiled, gesturing towards the hallway.

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