Chapter 2 | "Flying baby on the loose"

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Setting: Precinct

The next day

Chloe's POV

Ella skipped over to Chloe's desk, seeming to notice her hair was down and she was wearing sunglasses. "Nice shades."


"I only wear mine when I'm hungover, or.... are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks." The detective replied blankly.

"Wait, are you hungover?"


"Oh... well.. I just uh—I've always seen you with your hair up."


"Are you sure you're okay?"

Chloe nodded, but then shook her head. "No."

"Why? What happened?"

The detective took a deep breath and then sighed. "A lot—of things." She felt her eyes begin to tear up. 

"What do you mean? What's wrong?"

"EVERYTHING!" Chloe stood up from her desk. "Everything is wrong, Ella!"

"Wait—is this about Lucifer?... and... where is he?"

"GONE!" Chloe exclaimed, fighting back tears.


"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."


Chloe sighed. "I just—I need to be alone, okay?

Ella nodded and walked away without a word.


Setting: Linda & Amenadiel's house

Amenadiel's POV

Amenadiel walked into the living room with Charlie. "Alright my little angel..." he set the baby on the couch, and unfurled his wings.

Charlie looked at his dad wide-eyed, and then clapped.

"Come on, Char." Amenadiel folded his wings, then spread them again, in attempt to try and get his son to do the same. 

Charlie just laughed and clapped. 

"Hmm..." Amenadiel walked over to Charlie and unwrapped him from the blankets. 

The baby just continued to laugh. 

"Come on..." The angel flapped his wings slightly, to get his son's attention.

Charlie suddenly stopped laughing and narrowed his eyes peculiarly.

Amenadiel folded his wings again and gazed at his child, waiting for something to happen. After a while nothing happened, so he sighed and looked around the room. But when he looked back at Charlie all he could see there was a ball of dark gray downy fuzz.

"Yes!" Amenadiel picked up his son and moved his fuzzy wings away from his face. "But... you're probably still too young to fly." The angel frowned. "But that's okay, I can wait." He smiled at his son. "Now, fold them." Amenadiel set Charlie back on the couch.

The baby looked up at the ceiling and reached his arms up, then his wings.

Before Amenadiel realized what was happening, Charlie was gone. 

"Charlie?" Amenadiel glanced around for a while, then found his son sitting and giggling on the ceiling fan.

"CHARLIE! You little—"

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