Chapter 10 | "I'll do whatever it takes"

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Note: this starts off unicorns and icecream and then turns into dark clouds and thunderstorms. I do this sort of crap all the time 😂 Enjoy.

The next day

Setting: Precinct 

Lucifer's POV

Lucifer walked over to Chloe's desk. "Morning detective."

"You're better already?" Chloe looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, when you're not around I tend to heal faster."

"Oh.." The detective nodded. "Right."

"Hey guys!" Ella skipped over to them with a smile on her face. Though when she looked at Lucifer her smile faded. " um... how's the case going?" 

"Well, we have to go undercover for this case in a few minutes, so... it's going fine I guess."

"Wait—detective—we're going undercover again?" Lucifer looked at Chloe with a smirk on his face. "Fabulous."

Ella nodded and awkwardly walked away in silence.

"It's been a while since we've done secret work." The Devil grinned at his partner. "This should be fun."

"Yes... yes it should—I suppose." 

"So when are we off?"

"In about five min—"

"Lovely let's go!" The Devil took off out of the precinct.

"Lucifer wait! I didn't even explain where or what we're doing!" Chloe chased after him. 

Setting: streets of Los Angeles

Chloe's POV

"Lucifer—hold on— a second!" Chloe shouted at him breathlessly. She eventually found her partner already starting his car. "Why are you rushing this?"

"Come on detective, it'll be fun! Hop in and tell me where to go."

"That's not how this works."

"If we're going undercover we obviously won't drive a police car."

"Detectives don't drive police cars."

"Well you're a cop, it's your car, so it basically is a police car."

"Right so you're saying your car is a devil car?"

"I call it The Devil's Corvette, detective. Now stop slacking and get in already."

"No, you get out of "The Devil's Corvette" and listen to me."

"Talk about demanding." Lucifer mumbled as he reluctantly made his way out of the car like a five year old.

"Let me explain."

"I'm all ears."

"Right. So we have to act like two rich people."

"I have no need to act like one, detective." Lucifer pulled out a stack of $100 bills from his pocket.

"Mhm... But I do. So that's why I need you to help me."

"Oh, being Lucinda again are we?" The Devil grinned, handing her the stack of money. "Just don't laugh like a demented witch this time."

Chloe laughed and took it. "So, we probably will have to drive your car."


Chloe gave him a look.

"... continue."

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