Chapter 1: The commencement

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Please read the authors note at the end of this chapter. Also, point out my mistakes. Thank you.

'I am ending this all here, leave me alone please.' Shouted Hamza with those crystal tears making their way out of his large dark brown eyes and asking her for sympathy. 'I don't know why do you people always leave me on the ground, on the ground from where I once stood up. From where I started my journey. From where I began to actually live my life. What do you want from me now? I have already given my everything to you. I have already given you my heart.' Hamza didn't stand there anymore. He walked away without saying a word for he knew it was of no use. He gave up. He gave up on himself.

After he left the cafe, located in the middle of the city, he didn't know where to go. Whom to ask help from. Where to end up? He didn't know where would he sleep that night. However, the truth was, he didn't even try to find any place to stay. He wanted to roam around the city as if he was free from the worries. Was he really? He wanted to howl that night like the wolf. As if howling would tell the world about his presence.

Walking down on the streets of Lahore while wearing a torn out black kurta with a ripped out jeans and dingy, contaminated shoes while glaring at the past - his past.

Sometimes, people take us back into the moments we regret. They depart us from the life without acknowledging that particular fact. Sometimes, just sometimes, words hurt us more than the actions of people do. Sometimes, our past acts as a knife which rips our heart into a millions of pieces and breaks who we are. This time, same happened with Hamza. Her words acted as a knife - shredding up Hamza's heart into countless pieces, each one of them falling at each street he kept passing by.

Every word she said that night was quoted onto Hamza's mind. 'you don't worth my love. With everything you've done in your past, it is impossible for me to fall for you. It is better to separate our ways, forever.' Why am I not worthy of her love? Who else deserves her love than? Hamza kept asking himself these questions while still weeping his tears from that glowing face which was shining in the night because of the tears falling onto it. This was the point where Hamza finally accepted his defeat yet he decided to celebrate the victory for accepting the defeat.

and this may help, or help may not:
the defeat you accept will help you sought;
the glory and the praise of the God,
the helplessness and them frauds.
and He knows what you have made.
For He only knows what you have made.

That night was a win and a loss both for him. For he accepted his defeat and his defeat was his own love. Hamza kept wandering on the streets that night. He was finally himself. He sat down on a bench beside and his only intention was to rest for sometime when he went into his dreams while thinking about his one true love.

After one hour, he woke up with blurred vision and headache. He could not see anywhere when he tried setting his glasses off. He found himself somewhere else. It was utterly dark as if there had not been any light in that room. He could not even see his shadow. 'Anyone here?' He yelled but didn't listen any response. 'Anyone here?' He screamed again. There was no one.

Author's note: hey, this is the first chapter of my first ever book getting published. Hope you like it. I would complete it as soon as possible. Also, if you guys find any mistake and improvements, kindly point it out. Thank you x.

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