Again?? I hate this place.

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Evan's POV.

I wake up to beaping. Why is it always beeping? I feel someones hand in mine.  I look over and see Drama. His eyes are puffy and he stares at my hand.

"Drama." I croak almost frog like. He looks at me.

" are awake...." He says. I smile and look at my hand. I see a tiny ring. around my finger. I play with it.

"What's this?" I ask.

"That is a ring. It's a promise ring from me. I promise to never let anyone hurt you ever again. Will you take it?" he asks. I smile.

"Drama. I will take it." I say. He smiles. He gets up and kisses my forehead. I feel tears fall but they aren't from me.

"Drama it's okay I'm fine." I say he smiles.

"I know...I'm happy." He says and smiles.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask.

"Your parents went to go get food Andy, Niall, and Louis are in the lobby. Rob didn't want them in here while the are all arguing. Nobody was supposed to be in here till you woke up but Big Cat made a distraction while I ran." He says smile.

A nurse comes in.

"Hello Ms. Dyrdek." She says with a highpitched voice. Her nails are long and fake. Her hair looks like something you would pull out of a 70s magazine.

She checks everything she needs to and leaves. A doctor comes in a few minutes later.

"Hello Ms. Dyrdek. I'm Doctor Cooper. All your tests seem to be normal except one. So I am just going to give you a shot and afterwords you should be good." He says. "You can hold your boyfriends hand if you'd like."

"Oh he's not-" I was saying but got cut off by Drama.

"I'd love to." he says. I just give him a weird look. I hear the Doctor laugh and I feel a prick.

"All done Ms. Dyrdek."  he says. "you can leave tomorrow at 8 if I am correct." he says. I nod and he leaves.

"What was that all about?" I ask.

"If they want to think we are a couple...why not let them." he says smiling. He leans in and kisses my nose. I just laugh.

"Hey baby girl!" Mom says coming in.

"MOMMY!!" I scream.

"What's wrong?" She asks looking concerned.

"I missed you and I really don't like it here." I say holding out really. She just laughs.

"Louis, Niall, and Andy want to see you." She says. I just nod. "I will send them in." she says. I nod and grab Drama's hand. I just breath.

I see very firmiliar guys walk in.

"Hey Evan." they say. They look sad.

"Hey guys take a seat." I say, they sit down.

"Listen Evan we are sorry for making you pass out from a bear bottle, aand fighting." Louis and Niall say looking sad.

"And I'm also sorry, for thinking you needed help but now....I know you are as tough as nails." Andy says.

"Why?" I ask coldley. "what was with all of the fighting?" I ask.

"Well...we like you and didn't know what to think...or do...since we had compitition so...we fought." Niall explains for him and Louis. I look at Andy.

"I just really like you and I cared...I didn't want to see you get hurt." Andy says. I just nod.

"Well...I guess I except your apoligies but it does not make this situation better."  I say laughing.

"Well I better get going." Andy says standing up. Louis and Niall followed leaving Drama and me alone once more.

Drama intertwins my fingers with his.

"I really do like you Alton." He says. I smile.

"I really do like you too." I say smiling. I pat the bed next to me and he sits next to me bringing me into a hug. I bury my face in his neck breathing in his scent. He runs his fingers through my hair and slowley I fall asleep.

" girl...."Dad says shaking me.

"Hi daddy." I say, sitting up I notice Drama isn't here.

"He went to get coffee." I nod and hug him.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I feel fine I just want to go home." I say. He chuckles.

"The doctor says you should be able to go home today. Here Demi brought you some clothes to change into." He says handing me a shirt and jeans. I put them on.

"Dad do you have a sweater?" I ask.

"No sorry. I can go see if the guys have one." He offers.

"No need." I say. he smiles. A doctore comes in to remove everything I walk out into the hall and bump into......looking up I see Drama.

"Are you going to run into me everytime?" he asks. I just laugh.

"Yes if it means I can talk to you more often." I say. He just laughs. I rub my hands up and down my arms.

"Here take my sweater." he says, taking his sweater off and wrapping it around my arms. I smile at the fuzziness.

"Thank you." I say smiling. I feel heat rush to my cheeks when I see mom and dad putting hand hearts around us. I think Drama notices too because his cheeks get red.

"Hey baby girl..." mom says.

"hi mom." she says.

"I'm going to be going to work your dad can take you home unless you and Drama would like to come with me." she says. I look at Drama. He nods.

"We will go with you." I say. Drama smiles and grabs my hand.

questions please answer

1) should Alton(evan) date Drama?

2) should an argument break out between Drama and The boys?

3) Did you like the big change?

4) what should happen at demis job?

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