missing you

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It was early the next morning when the girls stood at the gate and said their goodbyes to Donna. She had decided she wanted to see the world, starting with Paris. The other two girls were so happy knowing Donna would be living out her dream, but they'd miss her just as much. "Bye guys!", Donna exclaimed one last time, as Rosie adjusted her friend's blue hat one last time. Their friend walked away, but it was clear she knew something was off. She returned to her friends, receiving her passport from Tanya before departing for real.

Tanya motioned for Rosie to lay her head on her shoulder, knowing she needed a friend as much as she did. "It's not forever, we'll always have each other," Tanya sighed, quoting her best friend.

Rosie nodded her head in agreement and added, "We've still got each other too Cleopatra, can't be grateful enough for that."

Tanya and Rosie decided to stay together in New York, because they had nothing planned out quite yet and they knew they needed each other. They got jobs to keep them afloat, and stayed together in a small but cozy apartment. Tanya tried again and again to audition for things to get a start in an acting career, but couldn't quite get there- but she settled for working as a masseuse for a little while.

On the other hand, Rosie got a job as a pastry chef at a popular bakery. She didn't know how much cooking would be apart of her future, but it was definitely holding her and her friend up well.

Still, the girls missed their friend more and more every day. Rosie knew Tanya missed her too, though she wouldn't be one to show it. Tanya knew her friend would cry at the drop of a dime, but she wasn't as easy to crack.

Rosie thought Tanya never cried, as most people think of her. Nobody really knew, but Tanya did cry more than people would ever think. She only let her tears flow in dark places or when she was alone at night. Whenever Rosie would take her to see another cheesy movie that wasn't her genre, she'd lose focus of the movie and think of Donna or whatever's on her mind. That's when she'd cry.

The girls thought they knew everything about Tanya, but at the same time felt there was things she never told them. One day, Rosie came home from work earlier than usual and saw Tanya crying on her bed. Unsure if it was actually the strongest person she knew crying or her best friend who had a couple drinks, she sat next to her on the bed. "Hey, hey.. is everything okay?", Rosie asked as she pushed her friend's hair off her face.

Tanya slowly nodded and tried to suck it up before more questions came. "I'm fine, everything's fine Rosie," she eventually replied, though the fact she was lying was clear as day.

Then she got the well known look of a friend who doesn't like to be lied to, so she tried her answer again. "It's just hard not having Donna here, the three of us did everything together- and now we don't," was Tanya's honest answer. She didn't want Rosie to make it a huge thing, or for her to know how she felt at all.

"Oh Tanya," Rosie began as she hugged her friend close to her. "We both miss her, but you know she'll be back soon. But hiding your feelings isn't the way to feel better. I want you to talk to me next time, you know I'll be there for you."

Tanya nodded her head and returned her best friends hug. "Thanks Rosie, it really means a lot," she said as the girls just stayed there for a minute and enjoyed having each other.

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