What do we do ? Part 2

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Double update


Heavy chains rattle and scrape against the table. The two teens stir from their sleep, Derek approaching the girl claws out. "Dude put your claws away !" Stiles shouts as the girl begins to thrash against the chains. Voice mumbled from the duck tape. The girl looks from Stiles, Derek and Scott as she pulls harshly against the chains with wide and terrified eyes. She continues to pull as she stops suddenly seeing the color of her tail. She slows in her harsh movements, breathing heavily through her nose. Looking up at Stiles she has tears in her eyes that slip past the small barrier of her lower eyelids.

"Her tears are silver." Derek says retracting his claws. Walking up to the girl he pulls her face gently closer to his. "What are you ?" He whispers before releasing her. Her head falls back against the table softly her eyes closing. Hearing a howl in the far off distance the girls eyes suddenly opens, glowing a bright silver. Her thrashing resumes and she's pulling so harshly to escape, the metal begins to cut through her pale flesh. "NO STOP !!" Stiles shouts holding her down. The howl sounds again and Victoria screams behind the tape. "Do something !" Scott shouts as Derek pulls his left arm back, hand going into a fist and going to punch her. Scott reaches out stopping him before doing so. "Don't hit her !!" He says looking at Derek harshly. "You said do something !" Derek yells as the howling stops and so does Victoria. Her eyes continue to glow silver, bright against the dark room, that's illuminated by candles. Her eyes begins to flutter shut before closing completely.

Twelve hours later a breeze outside picks up before the door to the old hale house bursts open. Leaves waft in causing the three males to turn away. "Oh sweetie." Victoria's Aunt says walking inside completely. "Whose the girl ?" Derek asks Selene turning to him. "Her aunt, the aunt that's going to save her." She replies

Walking up to her niece she looks on at the length of her white tail. "I hope this works." She says. Taking the object around her neck off she places it on her nieces neck. She stands back and waits. "That's it ? That's what you have a necklace ?" Stiles sarcastically says as Selene rolls her eyes. "Just wait."

Minutes go by before anything begins to happen. Her tail takes back to its natural orange color. Her pale skin takes on its natural tan. Her eyes flutter behind her eyelids and she finally opens her eyes. Looking around she looks down at her now orange tail. Looking back up she spots her Aunt. Her eyes begin to water leaking silver. "Oh no, I'd hoped I was wrong." Her Aunt whispers as she stands.

"What's wrong with her." Derek asks as Selene's brown eyes glance at Derek's green ones. "She's a full Siren."

"A siren ? I thought she already was one in a way ?" Stiles questions

"She has the uses of a siren a rare ability in mermaids, but when a bite from a werewolf however, it acts harshly with our DNA fully unlocking that dark side of us." She continues on. "Not only will her abilities be stronger than they once were before, but she will be deadly now, no male will be able to resist her, unlike Stiles here, he can control her." She finishes as Stiles raises his hand.

"How, How will I, a dorky boy, control someone like her ?" He asks

"Remember our talk a couple of days ago ? About you being her marrow?" Selene asks Stiles as Scott and Derek grow confused.

"Yes, werewolves have Anchors and Mermaids have Marrows." Stiles replies as Scott furrows his eyebrows.

"What do we do now ?" Scott asks. "The necklace I gave her suppresses her Siren, so be careful that nothing happens to it, her voice will attract lots of males for a couple of days, until the necklace fully takes affect, in the meantime I need to move into my apartment." Selene says as she waves goodbye to her niece.

"Okay I'm going to say it, that was weird." Derek says turning around and walking into another part of the burnt house. Stiles carefully walks up to Victoria undoing the chains as she clenches her fist hoping she can return to normal. Steam billows out her legs go back to normal. Stiles carefully removes the tape his eyes watching her lips when the tape tugs them softly before looking back up to her eyes. "Stiles." She whispers as she hugs him close. The other two males coming closer once they hear her voice. "I shouldn't talk for a few days." She says softly Derek and Scott getting lost looks on their faces as they stare at her. Snapping his fingers Stiles snaps them out of it, Victoria covering her mouth with her hands. Looking down she gets a good look at the blue gem that hangs from her neck. Taking it into her fingertips she holds it up to her eye level. "Why." She whispers to herself as her head falls against stiles chest as tears begin to leak out. A sound leaves her like a sad, echoey, haunting wail. The two males that are affected by her sound reach for her, but Stiles picks her up quickly, beginning to carry her outside. Taking her to the Jeep he pulls her face up to meet his before pulling her into a kiss that stops her wails. He pulls away as she looks at him. His eyes open and she cups his cheek, her thumb running along his cheek bone before pulling him in for another kiss.

Pulling away their breathing heavily as Victoria looks over his shoulder to see Scott and Derek standing there. She grasps Stiles jacket and pulls him closer hiding herself in his chest. Stiles turns his head before narrowing his eyes at the two awe struck males. "Okay snap out of it already !" He says

The males continue to stare as he sees Victoria looking up at him. "Take me home Stiles, Scott can find his way home, Right Scott ?" She's asks as he blankly nods his head and walks in the direction towards his house. "Goodnight Derek." She calls as he just turns and walks into the house, closing the door after him. Looking back at Stiles she releases him suddenly and looks down. "I'm sorry I wasn't more careful." She says softly as he takes her chin in his fingertips and lifts her head up softly. "Don't blame yourself, you couldn't have figured that would happen, I blame myself more for letting it happen." He says as she reaches over taking his hand in her smaller one interlocking their fingers. "It's okay Stiles we will figure this out." She replies softly before turning and opening the door to her side of the Jeep, Stiles walking to his side. Looking back Victoria gets that uneasy feeling of being watched. Looking into the darkness she quickly hops into the Jeep shutting the door. "Can I stay at your house tonight ?" She asks him as Stiles starts the Jeep. "Yeah sure Dad is on call all night tonight." He replies as he heads for his house.

       Changing into some of Stiles pajamas she crawls into his bed. Him following soon after, she snuggles up into his side, Stiles stares at her when she tries to get comfortable. "To much." She says before taking off the long sleep pants stiles let her wear tossing them onto the floor, before taking off her bra through his shirt she's wearing tossing that as well. Stiles chokes on his own saliva as he coughs. Watching as she gets back closer to his body. All he can do is get comfortable before closing his eyes letting them fall shut.

        Waking up from his sleep Stiles looks around in a confused state before turning over to cuddle with Victoria but feels just bed instead. Sitting up quickly he uncovers himself jumping up and running downstairs. To see his door open before him. "Shit."


So cliffhanger.....

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