Chapter 2

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Itachi, finally, the time has come, I have gotten stronger and I'm ready to face you. I'm not that weak little girl I once was I'm stronger,quicker, wiser, and I have improved in all my studies of jutsu.

He won't overpower me like last time...

- Three Years Ago

I watched as a man in a black cloak with red clouds printed on it, walked slowly down a trail, through the forest.

I had been tailing him for quite some time now.

"You can come out, I know you're there," the man said.

How could he sense me...I'm so far away.

I jumped down from the high tree, landing less than ten feet away from him.

"Did you think you would go unnoticed?" The man asked in a very bored tone.

"It doesn't matter. You are part of the Akatsuki, a bad organization, enemies to my village. I want to fight you!"

"You are just a child. When you are older come find me, then we shall battle. For now, you are still far to young to challenge me."

"I am not a child! I'll just have to kill you, to show everyone that this 'child' is capable of killing such a powerful shinobi ," I spat out in frustration.

"You're a fool," he mocked in a monotonous tone.

"A fool!? Why you!"

Sadly, that last battle between us was humiliating, I had no chance.

"Kedieo, Mami, within a couple minutes we will be crossing over the border, into the Hidden Sound," Jun informed us. Relief filled my body when he interrupted my thoughts, I did not want to relive the wretched day.

Here is where we should stop to split up, it would be easier to locate him if we have three people spread out across the land.

"Jun, Mami we should split up here. Everyone, remember what Oma said, if you have to use force, do not take this enemy lightly. He's very powerful and he is an Uchiha after all; their powers are unbelievable, so watch your back."

They nodded in agreement and immediately disappeared in opposite directions.

This time will be different, I'll beat him for sure. You just wait Itachi I'm coming for you.


I felt as if I had been going in circles for hours everything looked the same. Trees flooded the land, there seem to be no end to them.

I decided to sit down on a branch, in a high tree.

Leaning my head back against the tree, I closed my eyes, and listened to the wind.

It felt so good against my hot skin, I felt as if I could stay here for days. My eyelids became heavy, and my body numb; I just sat there listening to the sounds the forest creatures created.

I was relaxed against this tree.

"Itachi, shouldn't we be going back to the headquarters? We have completed our assignment already," said a man in a very blood-curdling voice.

My eyes snapped open at the sound, I leant over the side of the tree to get a good look at the men.


"Kisame, you can go and report back. I have some unfinshed business that I need to take care of," proclaimed Itachi.

No more words were exchanged between the two men, before the man with the giant sword disappeared into thin air.

Itachi silently continued to walk along the dirt trail.

This time, I made sure to keep an even greater distance between us.

I was making sure that for every fifteen steps he took, I took one leap to another branch.

Everything was going smoothly until I became careless and misplaced my foot in a branch. Breaking a smaller branch. I froze in my position, and watched as the branch fell, it made sure to hit everything in its path on the way down.

I focused my attention back to the trail Itachi was walking.

What a relief, he doesn't seem to be alarmed or aware of what just happened...

I continued tailing him for a bit before...

"How long did you think you could go unnoticed?" He asked in that same monotonous tone.

"However long until you noticed me," I responded.

"Show yourself," he demanded.

With no choice, I jumped down from the tree, making sure to keep my distance.

"You.." He began.

"Yeah me," I continued. "You have no idea how long I waited for this day. I've trained so hard since our last encounter. I've gotten stronger in many ways and have matured so much," I stated, concentrating my eyes on the one I front of me.

"Hm, and now you want to fight me."

He always seems so unaffected by anything, it's like nothing bothers him.

"Yes, for 3 years and five months I've trained to be where I am now, and this time I will defeat you," I assured him.

"You're still such a fool," he exclaimed.

I pulled out my Kunai and pointed the tip towards my elbow. I griped the object extremely tight. Holding it out in front of me I shouted "Itachi! Today is the day I reclaim my pride!"

Charging towards him, he didn't seem intimidated by me. He stood there unmoved; motionless.

He dodged my attack, swiftly moving to the side; with one quick movement, I went crashing through the air.


I am back where I was the last time, this time I couldn't feel a bone in my body.

I layed there looking past the trees into the beautiful clear blue sky.

I could hear his slow footsteps approaching me; before my view of the sky was replaced by his tall, lean figure.

"Kill me!" I whimpered.

He only stood there, he said nothing, his eyes piercing into mine. Somehow behind those evil looking eyes, I could see a boy full of sorrow; one who is hurt.

"Kill me! Now!" I repeated.

"It is my duty as a shinobi to die protecting my home!I have failed, and I am unworthy of the title shinobi. So please, just kill me," I begged.

Itachi bent over, placing a arm under my neck, elevating my head, he brought my face closer to his.

I watched as he opened his mouth to speak, but from there everything went black.

I had passed out from all the pain my body had endured.

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