Chapter 3

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Gaining back consciousness I slowly began to open up my eyes.

Everything looked different.

Is this what comes after death? Am I dead?

This place is dark.

My only light source came from a small candle placed on the edge of wooden table.

Trying to shift my weight, I felt a sharp pain shoot throughout my entire body.

"Aahh!" I hollered as my muscles began to pulsate at the sudden action.

Instantly, my attention had been drawn towards what looked like a door; outside of that door, I could hear the squeaking of the floor board as someone approached it.

Before long it opened, and in came a tall dark figure.

As it neared the little light, I soon came to realize who it was.


He held a cloth in his hand as he calmly walked past me.

Immediately after that, the sound of a faucet filled the silent room.

Once again silence fell upon the dim room.

I listened intently to the thudding sound his shoes made as they hit the floor repeatedly.

Closing my eyes, the feeling of his presence shadowed over top of me.

Something was being held over my face; a soft pressure had been applied onto my sweaty forehead. The coolness it gave off gave me the idea that it was the cloth he had when he entered the room.

"You can stop pretending to be sleep now.. I know you are awake," he said. Walking over to the table which held the small candle.

I could feel my aching body tense up at his words.

He continued " You're very terrible at acting. The first thing that gave you away was that scream from earlier... Second, I can see your eyelids fluttering from all the concentration your putting in to keep them shut... Last, when I walked in the room, your heart rate increased drastically."

Itachi's POV

"Why didn't you kill me?" Came her soft voice, filling up the empty atmosphere.

Why? I've never thought of why... Well, I have, b-but that would sound ridiculous.

"It's not my place to take your life," I shortly replied.

Continuing to mix the herbs for the medicine I was making.

The room fell silent once more.

Before long came a soft groan from her chapped lips.

"My body hurts," she complained.

"I broke all of the bones in your body.." I blankly stated.

"I-" cutting me off she asked,

"Is tha-t my bra ?" Her voice trembling as she spoke.

My cheeks immediately flushed red, my eyes widened unexpectedly, and my heart started to pound.

Luckily, I was facing away from her, for if I wasn't she would be able to see the expression my face held.

"Yes.." Is all I could manage.

Soon after, soft whimpers were flooding through my head.

Is she crying?

"I never wanted... A man.. That is not my husband.. To see such a sacred thing to me.." Her voice coming off almost as a whisper.

"Did you at least... have enough respect... to keep my underwear on?"

Turning my body so I was facing her, I held the small cup of medicine I had been preparing. I nodded before making my way towards her stiff body.

"I had to take your bra off , it was getting in the way of me wrapping your wounds."

As I approached her bedside, looking down I met her teary eyes.

"Drink," I softly commanded, placing the small glass to her lips.

Kedieo's POV

While I was drinking the bitter liquid, Itachi wasted no time preparing for what he was going to say.

With a big sigh he spoke "I will let you stay here,with me, until you completely recover..." He went on " Although it would be easier to kill you, sparing your life might benefit me in the future."

With no more to say, Itachi placed the empty glass back on the table and quietly exited the room.

Leaving me alone to be eaten alive by my own thoughts.

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