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After a while waiting for Jin , he come out from his room. "Jinnie!! I miss you so so much!" Jimin shout as he run to him and shower him with lots of kisses. Jin of course love it when someone or anybody give him lots of love. "I want kisses too.." Jungkook mumble. "Lemme give you-" Taehyung move closer to Jungkook but Jungkook resist. "Not from y-you!" Jungkook stutter. "I know you like me." Taehyung smirk, he just love Jungkook so much.

"Jin, ready to go ??" Namjoon ask. "Yoongi is waiting for us in the van. We should get going before its getting late." He continue. "Yeah we should." Jin said. Jimin and the others maknae keep their eyes on Jin. "Guys , you can stop staring at me.." Jin blush. "I'll never get tired by looking at your face everyday Jinnie" Jimin said and the others nod their head.

"Stop hitting on my boyfriend you asses. Geez." Yoongi said glaring at the three of them. "Bitch you're jeal-OUCH!" Jimin yell in pain. "S-sorry..wa-wait no! That is bad Jiminie. Don't use it on your hyung." Jinnie said after he pinch Jimin's hand but hold and rub it gently afterward. Jimin could die because of his cuteness. "Yeah..sorry." Jimin said.

"So where are we going?" Jin ask. "Just somewhere." Hoseok said with a very bright smile plastered on his face. "Well we're going to the amusement park" Namjoon said as he take a bite on his food. "NAMJOON!" They all said except Jin. "Wh-what?!" Namjoon said with mouth full. "We suppose to keep it as a secret and give Jin a surprise. " Hoseok said wanting to choke Namjoon. "Dude not to be rude here but amusement park is..a common place for us to go.." Namjoon state. Long silent. "Well, you have the point there.." Hoseok said. "It's ok guys, no matter what I would still be surprise by all of you." Jin giggle.

"Hey baby, you'll be with me later ok?" Yoongi said, he don't want the others take his baby away from him. "Ok yoongichi" all of them look at Yoongi with unpleasent look. "What?" Yoongi said. He likes seeing them like that. "I hope we will do all the things we list in one day." Yoongi said. He really hope.

Soon they arrived at the park. They buy ribbons and cotton candies before they play. Then the others go with their own partner leaving Jin and Yoongi. "So what should we play first?" Yoongi ask. "I've always wanted to ride the roller coaster!" Jin said excited. Yoongi peck his lips and pull him to the roller coaster. It was very high. On their ride Yoongi and Jin keep screaming. Yoongi almost lose his shit but with Jin holding his hand tightly he feel a little bit relaxed. "That was fun!" Jin shout. He look around and see a fluffy alpaca. He want it. "Yoongichi, can you win me that alpaca stuff??" Jin ask him with high hope. How can Yoongi said no? "Of course lets go." Yoongi smile.

Eventually Yoongi win and Jin never been this happy. "This is so fun !!" Jin said. After this where is our next destination?" Jin ask eating his cotton candy. "You'll find out baby." Yoongi pull Jin close to him and play every game in that park. "Hey we need to go to the next place. Me and Jin already in the van." Yoongi call them. "Yeah ok I'll tell the others. See you!" Namjoon end the call. Yoongi  call Jin to sit on his lap. Jin sit on his lap and hug Yoongi. "I miss you and this." Jin said kissing Yoongi's neck. "Baby I miss you too." Yoongi said pushing Jin to kiss his lips. "So this is why you want to hurry back to the van." Jin giggle. Yoongi just pout. "They always have you to themselves. But now it is just you and me." Yoongi bit Jin's plumpy lips. Yoongi keep kissing Jin and they stay like that until they heard the others. "Lets continue later." Jin give Yoongi a quick peck and give him a seducive wink. Yoongi just hug him and his mind already full of thought.

"I'll look forward to it and wish today is not his day.

Please not today."

That is what Yoongi thought.


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