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**Chanty's P.O.V**

She took out a brocade drawstring bag from her pocket and dabbed it at her eyes as she was almost in tears . She showed pale expression as she crumpled the lace gloves in her hands.

As much as she tried not to breakdown in tears ,the more her eyes glowed with them. Tears tumbled down her pale cheeks and plopped onto her hands .

Pushing back the brocade grotesque chair facing the ornate mirror,she wept like a malarial child with matrimonial stress.

My mum had told me not to worry and she always told me to be strong for her and always remember how much she loved me. But as much as I tried it was always too hard on me.

She was in there in the "special care" ward the door next to me....

just as I was in my moment of thought , a doctor came with a face which showed no hope of life and said ," don't worry she'll be fine"

He gestured me to the door but as I entered the room my jaw dropped but I tried looking as best as I could

I put myself together trying not to show my weakness,but what I witnessed that day left me motioneless, with my heart threatening  to leave my ribcage

All I could see was a lifeless figure lying on a  single bed......

I ambled slowly to her bed  trying to recognize the lifeless figure and sat next to her

I gently stroked her hair and as I was in the process she opened her eyes slowly

"Chantal, my baby, don't worry everything will be fine", she mumbled

" take care of Jason" that's what she managed to say and fell into a deep sleep

Her words echoed in my cerebrum .......what had she meant when she said I should take care of Jason?

I had always taken care of my 12 year old brother and she knew that ...why was she so precise this time?

Was she going to ...d..i..e? I could not even pronounce the word.

I got a cryptic, egnimatic fright which went up my spine as I contemplated about it , my hair line stood straight as if I had gotten an electric shock

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