Chapter 4: Reprobi

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His footsteps echo in the hall. Quirina's bruised face plagues his mind. A sigh escapes his lips at the thought of what awaits her in the future. Would such a delicate creature be able to handle the truth? Shurik highly doubts it.

"Ballsy of you to get back so close to sun rise, Shurik." Shurik grimaces at the modern term as he turns to face Foliata. The usual bored expression plays on her sharp features, her red hair tumbles past her hips in waves.

He studies the woman before him, marveling at how much she resembles her daughter. "My humblest apologies, I was not informed that someone would be waiting for my return." Sarcasm laces his words as he readies to move past her.

Foliata, halts him in his tracks by stepping in front of him. Shurik couldn't help the growl of irritation that slips from his lips. "I know they sent you to spy on her, Shurik. Surely this is going over board."

She has a mother's heart after all. A menacing chuckle escapes his lips as he turns his icy gaze on her. "Watch out, Foliata. One may misunderstand your tone for that of a caring creature." He watches as her dark eyes grew stormy at his words. Her hands clenching at her sides. 
He proceeds to try and step past her, when she grabs his wrist, making the annoyance inside of him simmer into anger.

"Do not toy with me! She is but an innocent human girl. Why does the host not leave her in peace?"

With a low growl and a snap of bone,  Shurik frees himself from her grip. Easily rendering her hand useless.

"Innocent, she might be, but human, she is not, Foliata. Her skin glows in the dark of the night. Demons dance around her in her ignorance, taunting other humans to act cruelly towards her. Her in Puncto Reflexionis is fast approaching. It would be cruel to let one of us go through it alone...but you know that all too well don't you?"
With that he releases her, watching passively as she stumbles away from him. Her horror stricken eyes search his features for any trace of dishonesty. Quirina wore her heart on her sleeve much like the woman before him now.

Frustration pulses through him at the thought of the innocent young woman, with those eyes filled with pain and wonder. Once again worry races through him. A sensation long forgotten in his never ending death. With a grimace he stalks towards his room, leaving a horror struck Foliata Draiocht in his wake.

He is not known to act so passionately, quite the contrary, actually. With a groan he lowers himself onto his silk sheets, watching the light of the candles play on his room walls. Everytime he closes his eyes, Quirina's haunted eyes are in his head. It was of no good for a Reprobi to feel such strong emotions. "Unless she is my chosen one," Shurik scoffed at his own words.

Once the puncto reflexionis of a Reprobi took place, it is believed that all vain emotions die as well, emotions like: greed, lust, love and hate. Though he once heard of a clan which believed that each Reprobi has a chosen one, sent by God to lessen the anguish of the curse. Shurik had shrugged it off as fairytales.

Yet, now sitting with his chin in his hand, Shurik was starting to think otherwise. He studies the candles dancing flames, trying to get those sad dark eyes out of his mind. But even the colour of the flame reminds him of her. Not even three days ago, he would have been disgusted with his own mind being so weak.

As his mind envisions small hands, with scarred long fingers fiddling nervously, a sigh escapes his lips. What in heaven's name is wrong with him? A curse tumbles from his lips as he jumps to his feet, making his way to the gymnasium. There he could train until all thoughts that were left were that of his aching body.


A door slamming awoke Quirina to daylight filtering into her bedroom. Her throbbing cheek causing her to wince as she angles her head to the side.

The screeching of rubber against pavement fills the house, accompanied by the strong smell of burning rubber, causing her to wrinkle her nose in distaste. At least she doesn't need to worry about walking on eggshells with him out of the house.

Quirina, shifts onto her back, and stares at the angels painted onto her ceiling. Foggy memories of her mother painting them fills her mind. Frustration floods through her as she tries to remember her mother's features, but all she's left with is the glow of her red hair.

A sigh falls from her lips as she pushes herself to get up. She catches her reflection from the corner of her eye. There was definitely no way that she would be able to go to class with that bruise.

"Don't I deserve better?" Quirina, wasn't sure who she was talking to. Maybe, God, maybe herself. Had she had the guts she would run away. But as it stands, the thought of nowhere to sleep and not having protection from the elements scared her more then her father did.

Pain flares through her back as she takes a step out of the bed, the force of it instantly has her gripping her blanket as she falls back onto the mattress. As sudden as it appeared, the pain was gone.

Wetness on her cheeks gave away the tears that spilled over from the horrible sensation. Maybe her body was reaching a breaking point with everything going on. Quirina, shrugged it off as she attempts to step out of bed once more. This time there was no flare of pain, though, Quirina, couldn't shake an uncomfortable pinching sensation between her shoulder blades.

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