Chapter 5: Ms Daskal's Riddle

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With a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and her hoodie over her head, Quirina walks into the town library. Fortunately it is empty around this time of year, as the students usually only come here in exam time. The cup of coffee warms her cold hands as she strolls through the isles. She finds comfort here. The smell of books is like a muscle relaxer to her senses. Though the pinch in her back is annoyingly persistent.  

"Quirina, is that you?" The sound of Ms Daskal's voice brings Quirina to a pause as she turns slightly to study the woman from the corner of her eye. As fashionable as always, Ms. Daskal is striking and yet perfectly in place between the aging books. 

"You weren't in class today, I was worried. Are you okay?" Her soft voice has Quirina's tear ducts acting up once again, and she turns her back on her teacher. Shurik's voice enters her mind then, "Breathe, it helps." 

Taking in a gulp of air and holding it for a few seconds, she is relieved to feel the pressure in her chest lessening and her vision clearing. Gratefulness washes over her, and she reminds herself to thank him for the tip whenever he pops around again. 

"I am fine, I am sorry that I worried you." She moves to proceed forward when a soft hand touches her shoulder. 
"How about we go get a bite to eat? I saw a new coffee shop opened up just next door." Quirina turns to face the beautiful woman. She studies her reaction as Ms. Daskal takes in the bruised state of her student's face. No pity showed in the woman's eyes, though Quirina swore she saw a flash of light in her blue gaze. 

"Come on, we are going to eat something, and you're not fighting me. If you're worried about money, I am paying and I will have no 'but's' about it." She takes Quirina's free hand in her own and strings her along. For the first time in a long time, Quirina's lips tug into a small smile. The feeling feels quite foreign on her face. Though she likes it, just the same. 

She makes sure to keep her gaze low and the hoodie covering her face as Ms. Daskal exchanges a few words with a waitress. She follows wordlessly as the waitress shows them to a table hidden away in the corner of the shop. Two hands come to rest on her shoulders and softly but firmly places her in the chair facing the wall. Quirina does not fight against the action and follows willingly. Grateful that her teacher put so much thought into others not being able to see her features. 

"You're a special young woman, Quirina. I don't know of many others that would be able to stay as strong as you have been able to. Though I think it is time for you to leave that abusive household." Ms. Daskal's sudden forwardness shocks Quirina, she looks up from Ms. Daskal's folded hands to her eyes. For the first time since her mother's disappearance she finds her eyes locked with another person's gaze. Those blue eyes hold her captive, seemingly digging through all the secrets Quirina has been burying through the years. 

"I don't have anywhere else to go." The worlds tumble from her lips before she has time to process the action. Ms. Daskal tilts her head slightly with a comforting smile stretching onto her lips. "Quirina, you will find that is definitely not true. All it takes is a little bit of courage for you to see it. There's a quote that I came upon which I wanted to share with you, I can't yet tell you where the quote is from; but know it is meant for you. 'The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.'"

Confusion swam through Quirina as she studies those blue pools watching her so closely. "Relax, Quirina, you look more confused and focused than I have ever seen you in my classroom. Now, how about having some cake?" Ms. Daskal wiggled her eyebrows playfully as she lifted the menu from the table. Breaking their eye contact as she glances down to the velvet like pages. The loss of eye contact brought a weird sense of loss, though she didn't find experiencing the sensation unwelcoming. With a confused sigh, she settles for picking up the menu in front her, pretending to scan the items while casting curious looks at the blond seated opposite her. 


The coffee date with Ms. Daskal plays through her mind as she walks the winding road home. Quirina could feel the frown forming between her brows as she tries to decipher the quote. Ms. Daskal really had a knack for sounding like a fortune teller when she wanted to. 

"Malen'kiy Mechtatel, what has you frowning so?" Shurik's voice pierced her thoughts. Was she so deep in thought she didn't notice him falling into step with her? "Just some words from my English teacher." She glanced up at the tall man next to her. Funny how not long ago Quirina spent all her time with just herself for company, now she finds herself with two blonds stepping in and adding colour to her once black and white life. 

"Ahh, teachers do have a skill in the art of mystifying their students. Whatever it is, you're a smart young woman, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Did he just compliment her? If so, should she thank him? How depressing, not knowing how to handle one simple compliment. 
Quirina jumps at Shurik's sudden bark of laughter. 

"What do you find so amusing?" She turns then, facing the still chuckling man. 
"I apologize, it's just, I can see the wheels turning in your head. It's cute. You're cute." 
Warmth spreads to Quirina's cheeks and she turns away from him, deciding that walking is much easier than talking to Shurik, or facing the embarrassment washing through her. Is being cute considered a compliment? Would Quirina, ever master social skills? Or was she doomed to this awkward state of being? 

She can feel him watching her as they walk towards her house. Fear slowly creeps into her bones as they draw closer. 
"I am sorry, Quirina, that you must suffer so. I told you before, I see everything. That includes the bruises you're attempting to hide under that hood. Do you want me to help you?" 

Quirina has felt many emotions in her depressing life, but she has yet to experience real anger. Yet, hearing those words, for some reason, had her balling her fists at her sides. "I can take care of myself." The words are laced with pure venom as she throws a glare towards the glowing figure. 

A frown forms between his brows as he attempts to reach for her arm. Quirina takes a hasty step back and holds her hands out in front of her, as if her fingers could somehow conjure up a shield between them.  She watches as he drops his hand at his side, running the other through his hair. "I didn't mean to offend you. Please, I can help you." 

"No offence, Shurik, but you barely know me." With that she leaves him there and all but dashes for her lawn, her hand grips the door handle with enough force to hurt her fingers. 

She leans against the now closed door, tears of anger, frustration and confusion swimming in her eyes. The tears flow down her cheeks as she rests her head on the painted oak. Sobs tumble from her quivering lips. This is not the life she wants. She never wanted to be the damsel in distress...Quirina never wanted to be the one who needed saving. She wanted to be like the strong women she read about. Those who took their lives into their own hands.  But here she is. A real emotional Bella Swan. 

"Quirina? You're late." His steps are heavy on the wooden floors as she listens to him making his way to her. She watches him as he rounds the corner, all muscle and pure anger. He stalks her, almost in the way a lion would with it's prey. Anger courses through her again. She did not want to be the prey any longer. With fire in her veins and bile burning in her throat, Quirina does something she has never done before. Run. 

Run towards the hulking image of her nightmares.

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