Chapter 9: Reality's a Bitch

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Quirina sits up slowly, all hope of the jumbled information in her mind being one weird dream left her instantly. She runs her fingers through her knotted hair and cringes at the hardened blood her fingers discover. Her nose wrinkles with disgust and Quirina cannot help longing for a hot shower.

"Glad to see you're awake. I was contemplating dunking cold water over your head." Ms. Daskal's voice draws Quirina's eyes to where her English teacher is sat with her hands folded in her lap. Still as put together and striking as ever, Ms. Daskal, looks as if she belongs in some Vogue catalogue shoot.

"If you faint again, I vote we all give up on restoring balance and just get on with our lives." Shurik's voice causes Quirina to jump lightly as her head swings to face the long white haired male lazily leaning against the wall. Her eyes instantly honing in on his black wings before moving to those light blue eyes studying her intently.

"When this is all over, I want my sanity back." Quirina's words draws a laugh from Shurik, and a smile from Ms. Daskal. Funny how quickly humour can cover a bad situation. Both of them blind to the anxiety Quirina hides inside herself.

"What is going on, Ms. Daskal? Why are you here, Shurik? Where the fuck is here?" Shurik opens his mouth ready to spew any of the information his Malen'kiy Mechtatel' desires, only to be stopped by a throwing star missing his face by millimetres. He throws a glare at, Cassiel, as she smiles smugly with six more of them clutched in her hand.

"I think, we can save all of the details for later. First, Quirina, I will show you where the bathroom is, and we can get you cleaned up and into some clothes. While you, Reprobi, find my guest something to eat." Quirina watches the two stare each other down, as her bewildered gaze swings from their faces to the weapon now stuck in the wall, Quirina could feel a headache coming on.

"Your guest?" Shurik raises his eyebrows at the possessive statement from the archangel, the sound of Quirina's stomach growling the only thing that stops him from arguing with Cassiel, again. He throws his hands up into the air in mock surrender and makes his way towards the bed first, his eyes studying Quirina as he nears. Taking in her features and confused dark eyes, Shurik is surprised at the happiness that floods through him at the realisation that the bruises on her skin have disappeared. He keeps himself from frowning at the realization, afraid to frighten, Quirina.

"What do you crave for, Malen'kiy Mechtatel'?" Quirina can't help blushing as Shurik's face lowers dangerously close to her own. Her eyes widens and a yelp escapes her lips as his nose brushes against her ear. Automatically she flinches away from the foreign tingle that makes it's way down her neck.
"THAT IS ENOUGH, REPROBI!" Had she blinked she would have missed the sudden transformation of her once English teacher, now armoured angel in front of her. Though the room was the biggest room Quirina has ever been in, Ms. Daskal's wings stretches throughout the entire room easily, making the big space feel suddenly cramped.

"Do as I have ordered you to do." The commanding lilt to Ms. Daskal's voice has a thrill running through Quirina. She has never heard her sound so commanding in all her years at the University.

Shurik's eyes don't waver from Ms. Daskal, rather it seems as if he is studying her. Whatever he found has a knowing grin stretching onto his lips. "Very well, Cassiel." With a laugh he shoots a last glance at Quirina before turning on his heal and marching out of room.

"Ms. Daskal, are you okay?" Quirina's voice trembles slightly as she clutches the silk sheet to her naked skin. "You don't have to call me that anymore, Quirina. Just, Cassiel, is fine." Though, Ms. Daskal, or rather, Cassiel, isn't facing Quirina she still nods at the request.

With a sigh, Cassiel, allows herself to pull back the glamour she has become fond of before turning to face, Quirina. Afraid to see fear on her once favourite student's features. Shock makes it's way through her as she faces her. Quirina doesn't have a trace of fear on her face, neither hidden in her eyes. Rather her eyes filled with worry searches Cassiel's face intimately. Cassiel couldn't help the smile that spreads onto her lips. Quirina, who's life has been nothing short of a nightmare so far, still looking out for others, strong little creature.
"Come on, Quirina, I'll show you to the bathroom."

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