Chapter 6: Who are you?

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Quirina registers the shock on his features before she launches herself at him. Her legs lock around his waist as her hands reach for his face. Adrenaline courses through her body as her fingernails sink into the skin of his cheeks. She scratches, claws and bites at any exposed area she can find. His fist connects with her diagram and Quirina can feel her lungs spasm as air seems to get stuck in her throat.

His hands wrap around her waist and he tugs her from his body as if Quirina is no more than a rag doll. The force he holds her with has tears clouding her vision.
"You fucking ungrateful bitch. How did you even think you would have a chance against me?" She's not sure if it's the anger, the adrenaline or all the years of trauma that has made her so stupidly brave tonight, but Quirina finds that she doesn't care.
"I didn't." Once again shock takes hold of his features, and his hands ease on her waist.
With as much force as she can master, she swings out her foot and listens with satisfaction at the crunch that fills the air as it connects with his nose. She slips from his grip and falls to the floor with a thud. Not giving her body enough time to react to any injuries, Quirina, shoots up and dashes towards her room. She locks the door behind her and listens to her father cussing as he stumbles after her.

With shaking hands, Quirina, pushes clothing into the nearest duffel bag, trying her best to grab what she needs. A loud crack draws her attention to the room door. The wood is bent from her father's attempts to break it down. Adrenaline floods through her once more as she heaves the bag onto her shoulder and runs for the window. With ease that comes with repetition, she clambers onto the roof. Her eyes focus on the only way down and without hesitation she's moving again. There's no space for fear, or time to look back.

The pool's lights are on next door, if she doesn't make this jump... No, she can't think like that right now. With every ounce of strength that she has left, Quirina, pushes herself off of the roof's surface. Agonizing pain flares in her back as she puts herself at gravity's mercy. For a moment, she feels like a cartoon character, with flailing legs and arms attempting to run in the air. Short lived as her body meets the pool's surface. The cold water is a moment's relieve from all the aches on her body. Her feet touches the pool's floor and for one moment she contemplates staying there, letting the water run into her lungs, letting this be the end of all of it. But something stronger inside of her has her pushing against the floor and shooting upwards.

Her muscles are burning, her lungs are heaving, and her back feels like it's tearing open, but she can't stop moving now. So she makes her way out of the pool and darts across her neighbour's yard. With wet hair sticking to her face and her clothes clinging to her skin, she runs down the street she knows so well. Quirina runs until she can't take another step.

With her heart pounding in her head and her body shivering from the loss of adrenaline, she sits down next to the street. There is no way her father would have followed her this far out, and if he is still tailing her, Quirina, has no energy left to keep going. With burning lungs she sits back and let's her head fall back. It's an overcast night, with no star in sight to talk to tonight. With growing suspicion she listens as the clattering of hooves approaches her location. Quirina blinks into the foggy night, listening as the sound grows louder. With wide eyes she watches as a Friesian horse appears out of the fog.
"Are you okay?" The twinkling voice pulls Quirina's gaze away from the majestic black Friesian and to the small woman riding it.

The contrast of the rider and the horse reminds Quirina of the Yin and Yang symbol. The horse as black as the darkest nights, not a single note of colour to be found on it's mane. Where the small woman atop it seemingly glows by the paleness of her skin. Her hair flows down her back like fresh milk.
The small woman jumps off of the horse with a dancer's grace. Quirina can only stare at the beautiful woman. The closer the woman moves to her the more Quirina feels like crying for some unthinkable reason.
"Hey, are you alright?" Her accent holds a clear Japanese tilt and her voice reminds Quirina of a violin.

"Shame, you're soaking wet. Let me help you." The woman holds out her hand to her and with shivering fingers, Quirina reaches out to her. Surprise filters through her at the small woman's strength as she pulls her to her feet. An electric current runs down Quirina's spine at the touch of her cold, pale hands. Quirina watches as the small woman takes in her disheveled appearance. She doesn't say anything though, and only wraps her arm around Quirina's waist, ushering her towards the restless Friesian.
"I...I don't think that I can ride it without a saddle..." Quirina stammers, throwing an apologetic look towards the Friesian for calling it, it, as she bends down to grab her duffel bag.
A knowing smile pulls onto the mystery woman's blue-ish lips and a mischievous twinkle enters her star like eyes.
"Bridge, requires no saddle to ride. He is experienced in dealing with many different souls from all stretches of life. You will be safe."
Bridge shakes his mane and releases a snort, the action giving off a strong feeling of impatience. A yelp escapes Quirina's lips as the small woman suddenly throws her onto Bridge's back. Surprise filters through her as she finds herself feeling quite well balanced and comfortable on the majestic creature. She watches with wide eyes as the small Japanese woman swings onto his back gracefully, her milky hair swishing through the air soundlessly.

They ride in silence for a few minutes, and Quirina can feel the pain between her shoulders worsening with every tread. It takes all of her self control not to start sobbing like a child. "Why are you helping me?" Quirina asks, trying desperately to distract herself from the tearing muscles in her back.
"The hoshi sent me to help you." Confusion mingles with pain in Quirina's mind. Hoshi, is an obviously Japanese expression.

"What's your name?" The woman asks throwing a quick glance her way.
"Quirina." She watches as the woman's eyes widen and a smile plays on her lips.
"What a creative name, sounds like something from a fairytale book. My name is, Rei."
"Thank you for helping me, Rei." The Japanese looking woman throws her a quick smile before turning onto an all too familiar campus.
"Do you work here? I've never seen you here before " Rei's star like eyes give her a knowing look as Bridge comes to a slow stop.
"I brought you here, because there is someone here who can help you. Or so I have been told." Confusion swims through Quirina as she watches Rei jump off of Bridge soundlessly. She studies the small woman then. There seems to be a ghostly gleam surrounding her, it's been getting brighter as the pain in Quirina's back intensifies.
"Trust me, walk to your English class. Help awaits you there, Quirina. Now I must go, I have a broken hearted family to check up on."
Rei, hands her the duffel bag and gives her a tight hug that seems to creep its way into her heart. With growing confusion, Quirina, watches as the small woman gets back onto the Friesian and pulls away. Quirina's head spins as they disappear into the night whence they came from.

What the fuck is going on? With growing fear and agony she stumbles into the University's hall. Her mind feels like it's going to shatter into a million pieces, and with each piece that's breaking the pain in her back is only intensifying. It feels like something is trying to claw it's way through her skin. Sweat beads form on her skin as the world grows hazier. Fear eclipses her heart as her legs shake with every step. She can't concentrate on where she is going or where she is. There is only pain. A sickening crunch rings in her ears and she feels something twist and jerk under her skin. It burns, it hurts. Is this how she dies?

"Quirina?!" Ms Daskal's voice is the last thing she hears before the world goes dark.

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