Chapter 4

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The bastard had lied to her. And she was determined to find him to ascertain why.

She went to the spot where she first saw him, but he wasn't there anymore. She started going the way where he was heading, hoping to bump into him somewhere. It was kind of a lost cause, New York was huge and he could've gone anywhere. But luck seemed to be on Hermione's side, because after about half an hour she spotted him: outside a big building.

She quickly strode to the entrance, but Malfoy had already vanished. She decided to wait for him outside, not knowing what's inside the building. Some time later he appeared again, with a box in his hand. The whole scenario made Hermione curious; so she decided to follow him secretly.

Malfoy was taking a very strange journey, and it was hard for Hermione to keep up, but she managed. He was walking in a way to avoid empty spaces and to vanish at corners, a perfect route to be at a place and still seem like you're not there. He was always moving in the shadows, not wanting to get any attention.

Finally he arrived to a dark alleyway, and stopped. A few minutes later another man wearing a brown coat arrived. Malfoy gave him the box, and the man said something. Hermione moved closer to hear what he was saying, hiding under a Disillusionment charm.

"I can't open it, I don't have the password" said Draco to the man.

The man looked up at him "Then I don't want it. If I cannot know for sure what's inside it, I won't take it." He said and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Called after him Malfoy. "I can try something" He muttered a spell, and the box opened, revealing two vials of acromantula venom. He grinned, looking proud. Hermione gasped, acromantula venom was strictly forbidden to keep in the USA. Both the men had jerked their heads up at the sound, but as they couldn't see anyone they didn't give it much thought.

"Nice, very nice." Said the man. "I'll give you 50"

"50? We agreed to 90!"

"It's only two vials. I ordered three."

"There weren't any more left. But if you insist, I'll give it to you for 80"

"60" argued the man.

"70, and that's my last offer. You wouldn't like the MACUSA to know you intended to buy acromantula venom illegally, now would you?" Draco flashed an evil grin, and the man angrily gave in. He gave Draco the money he wanted, took the box and walked away to the other direction, past a shocked Hermione.

"It was lovely doing business with you, Mr Tidson!" He yelled after him.

After Hermione was sure this Mr Tidson was out of hearing distance, she ended the charm and stepped in front of Malfoy. The blonde Slytherin's eyes widened in shock when he saw her.

"Draco Malfoy, you're under arrest for trading with illegal acromantula venom and lying to a Ministry official." She said and placed magical handcuffs on him.

"Granger? What the hell?!"

"You heard me"

"You cannot arrest me. You don't have any proof" said Draco and leaned against the wall.

"I've just seen you doing it. I think that's enough proof-"

"I'm a Malfoy. They'd never arrest me" Hermione raised one of her eyebrows, not being so sure about that.

"Right now you're a petty criminal selling illegal stuff on the street. And if my word wouldn't be enough proof, I always take pictures." She grinned, and pulled out some pictures she's just taken with her muggle polaroid camera. Draco was gobsmacked.

"But first, I'd like to know if you lied to me about Rose Selwyn too"

"Yeah, I know a bit about her." He frowned. "Will it help my situation if I tell it to you?"

"Certainly. Now what do you know?"

"She used to hang out at the Two Wizards', kinda shady club if you ask me. Go and ask around there, they may can help you. And now, release me and give me the photos"

Hermione pondered on the thought for a few seconds, then said "Only if you come with me." She realized she didn't know where the Two Wizards' were, and Draco Malfoy could be her only help. She also had a thought that he may be more helpful than it seems.

"No way"

"No help, no photos" She said and shrugged. She knew she had him cornered.

"Are you seriously blackmailing me, Granger?"

"Yes, I am" She said along a grin.

A/N: 'Find my heart' has hit 1k reads, thank you so much! I hope you liked this chapter and I promise they'll get longer. Vote & comment your opinions <3

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