Before The Storm

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Neptune sat on her office desk, giving a blank expression as she continued to murmur by herself. From the distance, hidden behind the wall, there's Nepgear and Histoire.

"Neptune's been doing her work lately, but she's quite down as well." Said Histoire. "So what are you planning to do, Nepgear?"

"I just invented a device that displays a quite realistic hologram. I think this will bring her to her mood." Said Nepgear while holding a remote.

"So you're trying to FAKE her friend? I don't know. I'm afraid that she would be even sadder than she is now."

"You can never know." Said Nepgear confidently, trying to cheer up her older sister, which she had been desperately to do so. "Here goes!"

The device turned on inside Neptune's office and projected IF and Compa from their Young adult's form. Just like when they first met Neptune.

"Heya, Neptune! How's it going?" IF hologram spoke in-sync with voice which was just right about IF's real voice.

"Did you miss us, Nep-nep?" Compa spoke, annoying as always.

Neptune, however, didn't budge. Instead, she just said:

"Come on out Nepgear, I know you did this."

Nepgear was shook on how Neptune could tell that she did all of those, despite of all her effort to make it look realistic. She couldn't do anything but to turn off her device and walk into the front of the office desk.

"Hi, sis." Said Nepgear awkwardly, knowing she's been busted and all.

"Honestly speaking, IF and Compa sounds different than what you impersonated earlier. I know them, Nepgear, I know them better than you do."

"Ahaha..." Nepgear laughed nervously.

Neptune didn't continue on her lecture. She just stop, seemingly have no purpose of living anymore as she twirl around her seat.



"I want to start a console war."


Nepgear was surprised on Neptune's statement, audible around Histoire, who is just outside the office. Histoire immediately barged into the office.


"What is it? More work, Histy?" Neptune responded as if nothing happened.

"Don't you even DARE to start a war!" Histoire was genuinely mad. "What in the world are you thinking?"

"Why, it is such a simple question." Neptune stood up from her chair and stared on the window for a second; turned around and stated:

"To get myself killed."

"NOOOO!!" Nepgear screamed shrill. "You're not Neptune that I know and love!"

Nepgear cried on her wasted efforts from the past. She was ready to burst, but she dashed out the office.

"Nepgear, wait!" Histoire chased her down. Leaving Neptune, which head's against the window, alone.

"What am I thinking...?" Neptune regretted on what she said to her sister. She punched the window to the point she hurt her own hand. The window wasn't broken or cracked, due to Neptune's human form has a weak strength.

Neptune, however, didn't react as she usually would. She's dead inside.

She stared outside, thought to herself: "I should get some fresh air."


Nepgear was just outside the Basilicom, bawling over her sister that has changed since her friends' death. Deep in the heart, Nepgear is also heartbroken by the fact that her friends she met during the journey all died from old age. Though not as impactful as it is to Neptune. Nepgear is indeed immortal, just like the other CPU and the candidates.

Nepgear didn't get the big hit because all of her friends died in peace. And that alone is enough to be thankful.

At that moment, Nepgear thought something.

"Does the other CPU's feel the same way?"

Nepgear immediately rose and came into the Basilicom to retrieve her N-Gear, in hopes to get contact from the CPUs.

She is aware that what she request is a selfish one, but she went for it anyway.

The contact to the 3 CPUs began at night, whereas assignments were had been done at this point, so the three have time to contact Nepgear.

"I am glad that all of you are able to attend this together. I am sorry for your intrusion!" Said Nepgear, who is being apologetic.

"Skip the formality." Said Noire, with a bugged-out face. "I am, in fact, more interested in Neptune than anything right now."

"True." Said Vert, with her usual classy style. "She has never contacted us or reply to our messages lately. Even through official directly-sent messages."

"Her share's been increasing too." Said Blanc, who is also as curious as the other two. "I assume she is working hard lately, but everything seems fishy to me."

"Right, I am here to tell you the truth." Nepgear said.

"She's heartbroken for losing her friends."

That sentence was enough to preserve one's energy to talk for a moment. Not very long, each of them replied:

"I... can relate." Said Noire.

"Same here." Said Vert.

"Ditto." Said Blanc

All three weren't looking good upon hearing what Nepgear said, but they seem to comprehend.

"You see, my former assistant, whom I hired long time ago, died from old age. The same as Neptune's friends did. He was so dependable that I couldn't bear losing a good assistant as he is." Said Noire, a little sad.

"Financier, my most loyal servant I had, died from the same condition. She was the only one that I feel close at, and yet, she passed away." Said Blanc, looking at the photo she took with Financier.

"A lot of my members in Basilicom also died. They aren't my friends, per se, but they've been loyal to me that I feel sad losing them." Said Vert. "At least I still have my Ran Ran. She's been doing my work actively now."

"'re horrible." Said Noire.


"Oh my, don't judge me. She is the one who wanted it on her own."

"Riiiight" Said Noire and Blanc Skeptically.

"For Neptune's problem, she indeed HAVE a lot of friends and connection. Many of which are humans." Said Nepgear. "I think that's why she is so heartbroken. Everyone she met died."

"Makes sense." Said Noire. "But I am surprised that Happy-go-lucky idiot could be depressed as well."

"Indeed. That is truly sad for her."

"I guess she's can't be approached for a while."

Nepgear was quite hesitant on saying this, but having mustered the courage, she spoke up.

"But that's not over. My sister is planning to make a console war!"

"Whaaaaattt???!!"All three was shocked, beyond belief. The scream they had was contradictory what they knew about Neptune. Knowing this, immediately planned for a visit to Planeptune.

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